BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:522alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20170501 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170502 URL: minal-directive-launch-event LOCATION:922 N Killingsworth St\, Portland\, OR 97217\, USA SUMMARY:The Portland Game Store Terminal Directive Launch Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n\n\nENTRY FEE: A The Portland Game Store Receipt of Purchase for Terminal Directive or $5.\nWe have 12 slots for 6 pairs of players.\n\ nCall Now To Reserve Your Spot: 503-289-6373\n\nIf you want to purchase a copy of Terminal Directive from TPGS please call them ASAP to put your pre -order in.\nYou will need one Android: Netrunner Core Set in addition to t he Terminal Directive Expansion in order construct your decks.\nThere will be a limited number of copies of the Core Netrunner game for purchase whi le supplies last.\n\nPRIZE SUPPORT 1:\nAt the beginning of the event\, eac h player will receive two double-sided extended art ID cards. These double -sided cards feature the new Runners and Corps from Terminal Directive—S teve and Ayla on one card and Siedr Laboratories and Skorpios Defense Syst ems on the other.\n\nPRIZE SUPPORT 2:\nEach player will also receive a dou ble-sided Directive card\, representing additional goals for each side. As they play in the event\, they will be able to meet certain objectives (in addition to winning\, of course) and check the boxes as they are complete d.\n\nPRIZE SUPPORT 3:\nIt should be noted that attendees will need to pla y multiple games in order to complete the objectives on the Directive card . Once a player has finished playing and completing objectives\, they can turn in their Directive card to claim up to three copies of both of the ex tended art cards\, one for Runner and one for Corp.\nNOTE: We will not be withholding the cards if people are unable to complete the Directive Cards ...\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



PRIZE SUPPORT 1:\nA t the beginning of the event\, each player will receive two double-sided e xtended art ID cards. These double-sided cards feature the new Runners and Corps from Terminal Directive—Steve and Ayla on one card and Siedr Labo ratories and Skorpios Defense Systems on the other.




PRIZE SUPPORT 2:\nEach player will also receive a double-sided Directive card\, representing additional goals for each side. As they play in the event\, t hey will be able to meet certain objectives (in addition to winning\, of c ourse) and check the boxes as they are completed.




PRIZE SU PPORT 3:\nIt should be noted that attendees will need to play multiple gam es in order to complete the objectives on the Directive card. Once a playe r has finished playing and completing objectives\, they can turn in their Directive card to claim up to three copies of both of the extended art car ds\, one for Runner and one for Corp.\nNOTE: We will not be withholding th e cards if people are unable to complete the Directive Cards...
