BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:517alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170422T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20170422T235900 URL: LOCATION:Jalan SS 22/25\, Damansara Jaya\, 47400 Petaling Jaya\, Selangor\, Malaysia SUMMARY:All Aboard Q1 GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Android: Netrunner | Q1 Tournament 2017\nDate:22nd April 2017\n Time:12:00PM till end\nVenue:All Aboard Community Gaming Centre (Tentative ***)\nFormat: Open Constructed with MWL v1.2 enforced\n*All sets released up to Red Sand - Station One will be legal\n*Terminal Directive will NOT b e legal\n*Deck lists submission required\nStructure:Swiss (4 rounds @ 65 m inutes per round)\nEntry Fee:RM20\nPrize Structure:\nEach participant will have a choice of either an alternate art Mushin No Shin or a random promo from our promo pool.\n1st place:1x set of acrylic NBN Click Counters\n1st and 2nd:1x Sunny Lebeau alternate art each\nAdditional prize of 1x set of acrylic NBN Click Counters to be awarded to the MOST INNOVATIVE DECK of t he tournament!\nLucky Draw prizes will be given out based on attendance.\n Notes:\nIn order to proceed in a timely manner\, players are advised to ha ve their deck lists prepared before coming for the tournament.\nMWL docume nt available here:\nANR game rules\, tournament regu lations\, and other support materials here:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Android: Netrunner | Q1 Tournament 2017


Date:22nd April 2017\nTime:12:00PM till end\nVenue:All Aboard Communi ty Gaming Centre (Tentative***)


Format: Open Constructed with MWL v1.2 enforced\n*All sets released up to Red Sand - Station One will be leg al\n*Terminal Directive will NOT be legal\n*Deck lists submission required


Structure:Swiss (4 rounds @ 65 minutes per round)


Entry F ee:RM20


Prize Structure:\nEach participant will have a choice of e ither an alternate art Mushin No Shin or a random promo from our promo poo l.


1st place:1x set of acrylic NBN Click Counters\n1st and 2nd:1x Sunny Lebeau alternate art each


Additional prize of 1x set of acry lic NBN Click Counters to be awarded to the MOST INNOVATIVE DECK of the to urnament!


Lucky Draw prizes will be given out based on attendance.


Notes:\nIn order to proceed in a timely manner\, players are advi sed to have their deck lists prepared before coming for the tournament.


MWL document available here:\nANR game rules\, tournament regulations\, and other support materials here: 1TBEG0G