BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:510alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170715T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170715T235900 URL: pionship LOCATION:6831 W 120th Ave\, Broomfield\, CO 80020\, USA SUMMARY:Colorado 2017 Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Colorado Regionals 2017\nPRIZE SUPPORT\n\n\n\nTop 64 – These players will receive a copy of the Ele ‘Smoke’ Scovak alternate art ca rd. Stealth icebreakers can be extremely powerful and efficient tools\, bu t are limited by the fact that you can only power them with resources from cards with the stealth subtypes. Smoke is here and can easily bring those tools to bear.\n\nTop 16 – These players will receive a set of acrylic credit tokens. Show off your credits with extra flair by winning a set of these tokens! You get five 1 credit tokens and five 3 credit tokens with t his set!\n\nTop 8 – The top eight players will receive a playmat featuri ng the art from the card Find the Truth.\n\nTop 4 – The top four players will receive a double-sided\, plastic\, spot-glossed Identity card featur ing Jemison Aeronautics and Los\, Data Hijacker.\n\nFirst Place – The wi nner will receive a colored trophy\, a first round bye to a 2017 or 2018 A ndroid: Netrunner National Championship\, and a reserved seat at the 2017 Android: Netrunner World Championships.\n\nTHE BASICS\nEntry fee: $15\nReg istration: 9am\nStart Time: 10am\nTournament Tier: Formal\nTournament Stru cture: Advanced\nDecklist is mandatory!\nThere will be a 30 min lunch brea k after round 2. There will also be a dinner break between Swiss and doubl e-elimination rounds. The number of Swiss rounds and size of the cut to do uble elimination will be based on the number of participating players. You may pre-register today by stopping in or calling Total Escape Games (303) 482-1829.\nWHAT TO BRING\n\nA completed and deck list for both your Corp and Runner deck\nA legal Corp deck and a legal Runner deck – for legal c ards and deck construction see below\nOpaque card sleeves for both decks\n Third-party tokens will be legal\; dice are not permissible to use to trac k game state – they may\, however be used by players to assist in “ran dom” decisions such as HQ access or psi-games.\n\nAdditional tournament information can be found here.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Colorado Regionals 2017\n



THE BASICS\nEntry fee: $15\nRegistration: 9am\nStart Time: 10am\ nTournament Tier: Formal\nTournament Structure: Advanced\nDecklist is mandatory!


There will be a 30 min lunch break after r ound 2. There will also be a dinner break between Swiss and double-elimina tion rounds. The number of Swiss rounds and size of the cut to double elim ination will be based on the number of participating players. You may pre- register today by stopping in or calling Total Escape Games (303) 482-1829 .




Additional tournament informa tion can be found here.