BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:500alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170401T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170401T235900 URL: ament-at-playoteket-lund LOCATION:Clemenstorget 6\, 222 21 Lund\, Sweden SUMMARY:Netrunner April Fools Tournament at Playoteket Lund CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:WHAT\nThis April fools we're doing a special kind of tournament !\nFirst of all\, 3 of the most popular/"\;boring"\; identities of each faction are banned (see below). Normal deckbuilding rules apply (inc l. MWL and FAQ errata)\, besides those bans.\nDuring the tournament we wil l be using an achievement point system as well as the regular scoring syst em. Before each round the TO will randomize an extra goal to complete duri ng the match\, one goal for runner and one for corp. Completing an achieve ment grants two points\, completing both corp and runner grants two extra\ , for a total of six points (in addition to any points granted by game win s).\nAfter the last round players will be asked to vote on the funniest/mo st interesting decks they have played against. The decks\, one corp and on e runner\, with the most votes gives their owner 8 points. In case of a ti e the points are equally divided rounded up.\nAny points awarded by achiev ements and popularity votes are added to the regular scoring after the las t round\, to get a final result.\nTo see which identities are banned\, pos sible achievements and add your own suggestions for achievements go here\n WHEN\nSaturday April 1st. Registration open from 11.00 to 11.30. Tournamen t start at 11.30. Note: the store opens at 11.00.\nWHERE\nPlayoteket\, Lun d\, Clemenstorget 6\nENTRY FEE\nTBD\nPRIZES\n2016 Spring Kit\n2015 Winter Kit\n\n\nLATEST DATAPACK ALLOWED\nDaedalus Complex\nDECKLISTS\nNot require d\nRULES\nAll of the latest versions of FFG's rules documents\, including NAPD Most Wanted List\, FAQ\, Tournament Regulations and Floor Rules. Can be found here\, under "\;support"\;:\nRules\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\ n4-5 rounds of Swiss depending on number of participants.\nWelcome!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

WHAT\nThis April fools we' re doing a special kind of tournament!\nFirst of all\, 3 of the most popul ar/"\;boring"\; identities of each faction are banned (see below). Normal deckbuilding rules apply (incl. MWL and FAQ errata)\, besides thos e bans.


During the tournament we will be using an achievement poin t system as well as the regular scoring system. Before each round the TO w ill randomize an extra goal to complete during the match\, one goal for ru nner and one for corp. Completing an achievement grants two points\, compl eting both corp and runner grants two extra\, for a total of six points (i n addition to any points granted by game wins).


After the last rou nd players will be asked to vote on the funniest/most interesting decks th ey have played against. The decks\, one corp and one runner\, with the mos t votes gives their owner 8 points. In case of a tie the points are equall y divided rounded up.


Any points awarded by achievements and popul arity votes are added to the regular scoring after the last round\, to get a final result.


To see which identities are banned\, possible ach ievements and add your own suggestions for achievements go here


WHEN\nSaturday April 1 st. Registration open from 11.00 to 11.30. Tournament start at 11.30. Note : the store opens at 11.00.


WHERE\nPlayoteket\, L und\, Clemenstorget 6




PRIZES\n2016 Spring Kit\n2015 Winter Kit



\ n



DECKLISTS\nNot required


RULES\nAll of the latest versions of FFG's rules documents\, including NAPD Most Want ed List\, FAQ\, Tournament Regulations and Floor Rules. Can be found here\ , under "\;support"\;:\nRules


TOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\n4-5 rounds of Swiss depending on number o f participants.

