BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:499alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170513T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170513T235900 URL: fier LOCATION:6 Butler St\, Preston PR1 8BN\, UK SUMMARY:Women & Non Binary BABW Qualifier CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThis is a preliminary tournament for Bring Another Brit to Wo rlds\, organised by the Android Netrunner Player's Circuit. The top 1-3 co ntenders (depending on tickets sold) will win a spot at the Grand Final on 20th May in London\, and the winner of THAT will receive a subsidy coveri ng costs for the Netrunner World Championships in Minnesota. This BABW eve nt just for women and non-binary people\, so if you'd like to see more eve nts of this kind in the future then please come along and prove that this sort of event is viable.\nIf you don't think you'll make top 1-3\, please come anyway! In addition to the BABW final spaces available we'll have a b unch of other prizes.\nPrizes won't just be for the highest-ranked competi tors on the day: we'll be setting some aside for the best players in the l east used factions\, the jankiest/best-themed decks and anyone competing i n their first ever tournament. You'll almost certainly come away with some thing.\nThe event will be 3 - 5 rounds of Swiss Pairings (depending on num ber of players) 65 minute rounds with no cut.\nTickerts will be £10 per p erson.\nLast thing: if you're a cis man\, please don't buy tickets for thi s event. We're not going to be asking for confirmation of anyone's gender at the event\, so please don't ruin that good faith by crashing an event t hat isn't for you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

\"Imgur\"\nThis is a preliminary tournament for Bring Another Brit to Worlds\, organised by the Android Netrunner Player's Circuit. The top 1-3 contenders (depending on tickets sold) will win a spot at the Grand Fi nal on 20th May in London\, and the winner of THAT will receive a subsidy covering costs for the Netrunner World Championships in Minnesota. This BA BW event just for women and non-binary people\, so if you'd like to see mo re events of this kind in the future then please come along and prove that this sort of event is viable.


If you don't think you'll make top 1-3\, please come anyway! In addition to the BABW final spaces available w e'll have a bunch of other prizes.


Prizes won't just be for the hi ghest-ranked competitors on the day: we'll be setting some aside for the b est players in the least used factions\, the jankiest/best-themed decks an d anyone competing in their first ever tournament. You'll almost certainly come away with something.


The event will be 3 - 5 rounds of Swiss Pairings (depending on number of players) 65 minute rounds with no cut.\n

Tickerts will be £10 per person.


Last thing: if you're a c is man\, please don't buy tickets for this event. We're not going to be as king for confirmation of anyone's gender at the event\, so please don't ru in that good faith by crashing an event that isn't for you.