BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:488alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Bratislava:20170617T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Bratislava:20170617T235900 URL: ip-2o17-bratislava LOCATION:Trenčianska 453/47\, 821 09 Bratislava\, Slovakia SUMMARY:iHRYsko Regional Championship 2o17\, Bratislava CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:WHEN\nSaturday June 17th. Registration open from 09.00. Tournam ent start at 10.00.\nWHERE\niHRYsko\, Trencianska 453/47\, 821 09 Bratisla va\, Slovakia\nENTRY FEE\n20€\nPRIZES\nWinner: a trophy and a card grant ing a bye to a national championship of their choice\nTop 4: a double-side d\, spot-glossed plastic card featuring Los and Jemison Astronautics\nTop 8: a Find The Truth playmat\nTop 16: a set of acrylic credit tokens\nParti cipation: an Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak alt art card\nLATEST DATAPACK ALLOWED\nEarth's Scion (Including Terminal Directive)\nDECKLISTS\nMandator y\, prefer send by email to: Put your name in the titl e and be sure to mark out cards on MWL and influence costs (automatic on n etrunnerdb if you chose the latest MWL under "\;legality"\;).\nRUL ES\nAll of the latest versions of FFG's rules documents\, including NAPD M ost Wanted List\, FAQ\, Tournament Regulations\, Floor Rules and UFAQ. Can be found here\, under "\;support"\;: https://www.fantasyflightgam\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\ nSwiss and top cut according to FFG rules. Most likely four rounds of swis s and top 4 cut.\nWelcome!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
WHEN\nSaturday June 17th. Registration open from 09.00. Tournament start at 10.00.
\nWHERE\niHRYsko\, Trencians ka 453/47\, 821 09 Bratislava\, Slovakia
\nENTRY FEE\n20€
\nPRIZES\nWinner: a trophy and a card granting a bye to a national champions hip of their choice\nTop 4: a double-sided\, spot-glossed plastic card fea turing Los and Jemison Astronautics\nTop 8: a Find The Truth playmat\nTop 16: a set of acrylic credit tokens\nParticipation: an Ele "\;Smoke&quo t\; Scovak alt art card
\nLATEST DATAPACK ALLOWED\nEarth's Scion (In cluding Terminal Directive)
\nDECKLISTS\nMandatory\, prefer send by email to: Put your name in the title and be sure to ma rk out cards on MWL and influence costs (automatic on netrunnerdb if you c hose the latest MWL under "\;legality"\;).
\nRULES\nAll of t he latest versions of FFG's rules documents\, including NAPD Most Wanted L ist\, FAQ\, Tournament Regulations\, Floor Rules and UFAQ. Can be found he re\, under "\;support"\;: oducts/android-netrunner-the-card-game/
\nTOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\nSwis s and top cut according to FFG rules. Most likely four rounds of swiss and top 4 cut.