BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:482alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170415T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20170415T235900 URL: LOCATION:Sint-Hubertusstraat 3\, 3000 Leuven\, Belgium SUMMARY:Leuven Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nDoors and registration: 10:00 am\nTournament start: 10:30 am\ nEntry fee: €8\,00\nCard legality: Station One\n\nDecklists are mandator y and must be submitted on paper to the tournament organization when regis tering.\nThe latest version of the tournament rules and the NAPD Most Want ed List 1.1 are in full effect:\n /filer_public/e5/b5/e5b567d5-2873-4731-b2b6-5d3020b2bb02/adn_tournament_re gulations_v113.pdf (page 9)\n\nWe will start the tournament with four roun ds of swiss pairings. Each round will consist of 65 minutes within which y ou and your opponent must play both as the runner and the corporation.\nBe tween each round there will be an approximate 5 minute break\, pausing at around 1:00 pm with an extended break for lunch.\nAfter all rounds of swis s have been completed\, the standings will be announced and prizes will be distributed.\nInstead of a regular top 4 cut\, the 3 best players after f our rounds of swiss will play the finals. Each match will consist of 40-mi nute rounds until we have a champion. The two finalists have 60 minutes fo r their last match.\n\nT.O.: Simon "\;mLodon"\; Stiers\nJudge: Tho mas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cruysse\n\nPrize support:\nTop 32 - Alternate art PAD Campaign\nTop 8 - Run Amok deckbox\nTop 4 - Run Amok pla ymat\nTop 2 - Femme Fatal acrylic token\nWinner - Store Champion plaque an d a first round bye to a 2017 Regional Championship of choice\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



D oors and registration: 10:00 am\nTournament start: 10:30 am\nEntry fee: €8\,00\nCard legality: Station One


Decklists are mandato ry and must be submitted on paper to the tournament organization when regi stering.\nThe latest version of the tournament rules and the NAPD Most Wan ted List 1.1 are in full effect:\n m/filer_public/e5/b5/e5b567d5-2873-4731-b2b6-5d3020b2bb02/adn_tournament_r egulations_v113.pdf (page 9)


We will start the tournament with four rounds of swiss pairings. Each round will consist of 65 minutes within which you and your opponent must play both as the runner and the co rporation.\nBetween each round there will be an approximate 5 minute break \, pausing at around 1:00 pm with an extended break for lunch.\nAfter all rounds of swiss have been completed\, the standings will be announced and prizes will be distributed.


Instead of a regular top 4 cut\, the 3 best players after four rounds of swiss will play the finals. Each match will consist of 40-minute rounds until we have a champion. The two finalis ts have 60 minutes for their last match.


T.O.: Simon " \;mLodon"\; Stiers\nJudge: Thomas "\;Cluster Fox"\; Van der Cr uysse


Prize support:\nTop 32 - Alternate art PAD Campaign\ nTop 8 - Run Amok deckbox\nTop 4 - Run Amok playmat\nTop 2 - Femme Fatal a crylic token\nWinner - Store Champion plaque and a first round bye to a 20 17 Regional Championship of choice