BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4812alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250413T111500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250413T235900 URL: onship LOCATION:10414 US-2 Suite 3\, Spokane\, WA 99224\, USA SUMMARY:Spokane WA District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:INW District Championship Double Header\nWe are excited to anno unce that we have partnered with the Moscow/Pullman meta to host our Distr ict Championships on the same weekend.\nYou can find the specifics for the ir event here: ( trict-championship-safari-pearl)\nWe're about an hour and a half drive bet ween the two venues and we're hoping this makes the trip to the inland nor thwest more appealing for some of the other meta games. If you'd like to f ly in we have agreed to have a couple car pools going from the Spokane Air port and back. If you'd like more information about this please feel free to Contact myself @Comrade_Coheed or @jfo3879 on discord.\nTournament Info rmation:\nMoscow/Pullman April 12th - 12pm\nSpokane April 13th - Ziora's C lubhouse\n10414 US-2 Suite 3\, Spokane\, WA 99224\nEntry Fee: $5\nRegistra tion/Store Opening: 10:30am\nTournament Start 11:15am\nSingle Sided Swiss w/ Top Cut (Rounds and Cut based on attendance)\nFor any questions about S pokane or our event please feel free to reach out to me on Discord (@Comra de_Coheed) or over email at\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
INW District Championship Double Header
\nWe are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Moscow/Pul lman meta to host our District Championships on the same weekend.
\nYou can find the specifics for their event here: (https://alwaysberunning. net/tournaments/4810/moscow-id-district-championship-safari-pearl)
\nWe're about an hour and a half drive between the two venues and we're hop ing this makes the trip to the inland northwest more appealing for some of the other meta games. If you'd like to fly in we have agreed to have a co uple car pools going from the Spokane Airport and back. If you'd like more information about this please feel free to Contact myself @Comrade_Coheed or @jfo3879 on discord.
\nTournament Information:\nMoscow/Pullman A pril 12th - 12pm
\nSpokane April 13th - Ziora's Clubhouse\n10414 US- 2 Suite 3\, Spokane\, WA 99224
\nEntry Fee: $5\nRegistration/Store O pening: 10:30am\nTournament Start 11:15am
\nSingle Sided Swiss w/ To p Cut (Rounds and Cut based on attendance)
\nFor any questions about Spokane or our event please feel free to reach out to me on Discord (@Com rade_Coheed) or over email at