BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4807alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20250330T131500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20250330T235900 URL: LOCATION:Neude 4\, 3512 AD Utrecht\, Netherlands SUMMARY:GNK - Run through Utrecht CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It's been a long time since I've had a chance to play some Netr unner in person\, so time to have a tournament about it! Please join me on Sunday\, March 30th at the The 5TH in Utrecht for some Netrunner!\nPracti calities:\n\n\nRegistration starts at 13.00\, round 1 starts at 13:15. Ple ase be on time.\n\n\nThe format will be Standard. It will use the rules an d most recent banlist found here. Please make sure your decklist is legal for the current Standard format. If you're unsure\, please send your deckl ist to the TO ahead of the event to check.\n\n\nThere will be 3 swiss roun ds of 65 minutes.\n\n\nEntree fee is € 10. If at all possible\, pay befo rehand and wire the money to NL10 ASNB 8832 5716 92\, attn Veronica van Vo orst. Don't forget to mention your name. A tikkie on the day also works.\n \n\nProxies are allowed\, as long as it is clear which card it is. Written notes in a sleeve will not be accepted. If you are missing cards for a de ck\, please get in contact with the TO beforehand\, as she may be able to provide proxies for you.\n\n\nOutside drinks and food aren't allowed. The venue sells various drinks and food.\n\n\nVeronica van Voorst will be your TO. If you have any questions\, feel free to email veronicavanvoorst@gmai Alternatively\, you can reach out through the Netrunner NL Discord Server.\n\n\nThe venue is within walking distance of the train station.\n\ n\nHave fun! We're aiming for this to be a more casual style event\, with an opportunity for new players to enjoy a tournament without high stakes. If this is your first tournament\, you can let the TO know\, and please fe el welcome to join us\; we're happy to have you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It's been a long time since I've had a chan ce to play some Netrunner in person\, so time to have a tournament about i t! Please join me on Sunday\, March 30th at the The 5TH in Utrecht for som e Netrunner!
\nRegistration starts at 13.00\, round 1 starts at 13:15. Please be on time.
\nThe format will be Standard. It will use the rules a nd most recent banlist found here. Please make sure your decklist is legal for t he current Standard format. If you're unsure\, please send your decklist t o the TO ahead of the event to check.
\nThere will be 3 swiss rounds of 65 minutes.
\nEntree fee is € 10. If at all possible\, pay beforehand and wire the money to NL10 ASNB 8832 571 6 92\, attn Veronica van Voorst. Don't forget to mention your name. A tikk ie on the day also works.
\nProxies are allowed\, as lo ng as it is clear which card it is. Written notes in a sleeve will not be accepted. If you are missing cards for a deck\, please get in contact with the TO beforehand\, as she may be able to provide proxies for you.
\n< /li>\nOutside drinks and food aren't allowed. The venue sells var ious drinks and food.
\nVeronica van Voorst will be you r TO. If you have any questions\, feel free to email veronicavanvoorst@gma Alternatively\, you can reach out through the Netrunner NL Discord Server.
\nHave fun! We're aiming for this to be a more casual style event\, with an opportunity for new players to enjoy a tournament without high st akes. If this is your first tournament\, you can let the TO know\, and ple ase feel welcome to join us\; we're happy to have you.