BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4800alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250802T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250803T235900 URL: -players-circuit LOCATION:13310 Bel-Red Rd\, Bellevue\, WA 98005\, USA SUMMARY:Cascadia 2025 - NA Netrunner Players Circuit CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome (back) to Cascadia!\nCascadia is a premier community-ru n Netrunner event taking place in the Pacific Northwest. This year we're a gain running the tournament out of Seattle\, Washington. Mox Boarding hous e has generously agreed to sponsor and host the event.\nThe event will be a two day affair. Cascadia is part of the NANPC league this year\, which i s the North American Netrunner Players' Circuit. You can find more informa tion (and the other events) by following this link.\nTickets\nYou can purc hase tickets directly from Mox by following this link. ( coming soon )\nFo rmat and events\nWeekend schedule\nSaturday\, August 2nd – Standard Even t:\n\n10:00 AM – Registration Starts\n11:00 AM – Registration closes\, player meeting\n11:10 AM – 7:00 PM – Standard Swiss Rounds\n\nSunday\ , August 3rd – Throwback side event and Standard cut:\n\n10:00 AM – Re gistration for Throwback starts\n11:00 AM – Registration closes\, player meeting\n11:30 AM – Standard Cut Begins\n11:30 AM – 5:00 PM – Stand ard Cut Rounds\n11:00 AM – 7:00 PM – Throwback Swiss Rounds\n7:00 PM – 9:00 PM – Throwback Cut Begins\n\nStandard event\nDay 1 will be the main standard event\, run in single-sided swiss. It will use whatever the current\, tournament standard banlist is\, which is unknown this early on but will be locked in closer to the date. We are tentatively planning to r un 10 rounds of single sided Swiss on Saturday. We will be cutting to the top 8 players in the field.\nPrizes!\nYou can expect special alt art prize s\, a competitive tournament filled with some of the strongest players in North America\, and a great community event. This is the third iteration o f our resoundingly successful Cascadia series\, and we hope you will help us continue that legacy and celebration of this wonderful community!\nAddi tional info\nWe will be enforcing the unofficial alt art guidelines as out lined in the organized play policy documents. Players who intend to use un official alt arts will need to have their alts checked by a judge during r egistration. If an alt art is deemed not suitable for play\, players are r esponsible for sourcing a replacement card.\nCome join us in Seattle in th e summer. It's lovely!\nKeep your eyes peeled on this page as we update it with more and more tournament info as we come closer to the day. Register for the event now so we know you're coming!\nThank you to Mox Boarding Ho use for sponsoring the event!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome (back) to Cascadia!


Casca dia is a premier community-run Netrunner event taking place in the Pacific Northwest. This year we're again running the tournament out of Seattle\, Washington. Mox Boarding house has generously agreed to sponsor and host t he event.


The event will be a two day affair. Cascadia is part of the NANPC league this year\, which is the North American Netrunner Players ' Circuit. You can find more information (and the other events) by following this link.




You can purchase tickets directly from Mox by following this link. ( co ming soon )


Format and events


Weekend schedule


Saturday\, August 2nd – Standard Event:

\n\n< p>Sunday\, August 3rd – Throwback side event and Standard cut:


Standard event


Day 1 will be the main standard event\, run in single-sided swiss. It will us e whatever the current\, tournament standard banlist is\, which is unknown this early on but will be locked in closer to the date. We are tentativel y planning to run 10 rounds of single sided Swiss on Saturday. We will be cutting to the top 8 players in the field.




You c an expect special alt art prizes\, a competitive tournament filled with so me of the strongest players in North America\, and a great community event . This is the third iteration of our resoundingly successful Cascadia seri es\, and we hope you will help us continue that legacy and celebration of this wonderful community!


Additional info


We will be enf orcing the unofficial alt art guidelines as outlined in the organized play policy documents. Players who intend to use unofficial alt arts will need to have their alts checked by a judge during registration. If an alt art is deemed not suitable for play\, players are responsible for sourcing a r eplacement card.


Come join us in Seattle in the summer. It's lovel y!


Keep your eyes peeled on this page as we update it with more an d more tournament info as we come closer to the day. Register for the even t now so we know you're coming!


Thank you to Mox Boarding House fo r sponsoring the event!