BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:48alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20161112T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20161112T235900 URL: ures-store-championship LOCATION:1400 Evangel Dr NW\, Huntsville\, AL 35816\, USA SUMMARY:Mastermind Models and Miniatures Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is our annual store championship event brought to you by M astermind Models and Miniatures where the proceeds go directly to the Hunt sville Downtown Rescue Mission.\nEntry Fee: $25\nDate: Nov 12\, 2016\nTime : 9AM Registration 10AM Start\nEvent Details\nBoth breakfast and lunch wil l be served. Between the Swiss rounds and the top cut the staff would like to have a few words with us about what the charity provides to the city o f Huntsville.\nPrize Support\nTop 32 - The top thirty-two players will eac h receive a copy of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an easy\, hands-off investment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.\nTop 8 - The top eight players will each receive a deckbox to hold your asset s and hardware in.\nTop 4 - The top four players will each receive a playm at depicting some Anarchs ready to run amok.\nTop 2 - The top two players will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used with the card "\; Femme Fatale"\;.\nFirst Place - The winner will receive a color printe d plaque and a first round bye (not pictured) to a 2017 Android: Netrunner Regional Championship of their choice!\nThe champion of the Store Champio nship will get the standard prizes as well as 1 Promo Hedge Fund from the 2016 Netrunner World's Championship.\nOn top of the usual store championsh ip kit\, door prizes will be drawn for at the conclusion of the Swiss port ion of the tournament. Up for grabs will be:\n1 - 2016 World's Championshi p Hedge Fund Promo\n1 - TBA Netrunner Prints\n1 - Day Job Playmat\n2 - Alt Art Corroder\nThe charity is in need of toys for Christmas and an additio nal entry for door prizes will be entered in for each new-in-box toy for a ges 3-10 donated. Everyone entering the tournament will automatically get 1 entry.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This is our annual store championship event brought to you by Mastermind Models and Miniatures where the proceeds go directly to the Huntsville Downtown Rescue Mission.
\nEntry Fee: $25 \nDate: Nov 12\, 2016\nTime: 9AM Registration 10AM Start
\nBoth breakfast and lunch will be served. Between the Swiss rounds and the top cut the staff would like to have a few words with us ab out what the charity provides to the city of Huntsville.
\nTop 32 - The top thirty-two players will each receive a cop y of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an easy\, hands-off inves tment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.\nTop 8 - The top ei ght players will each receive a deckbox to hold your assets and hardware in.\nTop 4 - The top four players will each receive a playmat depicting so me Anarchs ready to run amok.\nTop 2 - The top two players will each recei ve a printed acrylic token to be used with the card "\;Femme Fatale&qu ot\;.\nFirst Place - The winner will receive a color printed plaque and a first round bye (not pictured) to a 2017 Android: Netrunner Regional Champ ionship of their choice!
\nThe champion of the Store Championship wi ll get the standard prizes as well as 1 Promo Hedge Fund from the 2016 Net runner World's Championship.
\nOn top of the usual store championshi p kit\, door prizes will be drawn for at the conclusion of the Swiss porti on of the tournament. Up for grabs will be:
\n1 - 2016 World's Champ ionship Hedge Fund Promo\n1 - TBA Netrunner Prints\n1 - Day Job Playmat\n2 - Alt Art Corroder
\nThe charity is in need of toys for Christmas a nd an additional entry for door prizes will be entered in for each new-in- box toy for ages 3-10 donated. Everyone entering the tournament will autom atically get 1 entry.