BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4788alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20250406T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20250406T235900 URL: mpionship LOCATION:88 Grenfell St\, Adelaide SA 5000\, Australia SUMMARY:Adelaide 2025 District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The 2025 Android Netrunner Disrict Championship at Good Games A delaide. This will be a competitive but friendly Netrunner tournament. Com e down for some fun\, competitive games and take home some sweet prizes.\n $14 Entry. 11:15am registration for a 11:30am start.\nFor this tournament\ , all the usual rules apply:\nBring a Runner and Corp deck each that you w ill play with all tournament.\nThis event will use the current Standard ca rdpool including the Standard Ban List. See this page (under Standard) for an up-to-date list of legal products and the current ban list: https://nu\nWe will play 3-4 double sided s wiss rounds (depending on attendance).\nProxies of any card in the cardpoo l will be allowed. They must be high quality photocopy/printed proxies\, i n sleeves and with a card back\, so they are indistinguishable from normal cards. Feel free to contact us if you would prefer to borrow copies of an y card and we will do our best to help out.\nFeel free to get in touch wit h any questions you might have.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The 2025 Android Netrunner Disrict Champion ship at Good Games Adelaide. This will be a competitive but friendly Netru nner tournament. Come down for some fun\, competitive games and take home some sweet prizes.


$14 Entry. 11:15am registration for a 11:30am s tart.


For this tournament\, all the usual rules apply:


Bri ng a Runner and Corp deck each that you will play with all tournament.


This event will use the current Standard cardpool including the Stand ard Ban List. See this page (under Standard) for an up-to-date list of leg al products and the current ban list: ported-formats/


We will play 3-4 double sided swiss rounds (depend ing on attendance).


Proxies of any card in the cardpool will be al lowed. They must be high quality photocopy/printed proxies\, in sleeves an d with a card back\, so they are indistinguishable from normal cards. Feel free to contact us if you would prefer to borrow copies of any card and w e will do our best to help out.


Feel free to get in touch with any questions you might have.