BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4784alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250621T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250622T235900 URL: nship-nanpc-vancouver LOCATION:316 W 5th Ave\, Vancouver\, BC V5Y 1J5\, Canada SUMMARY:Vancouver Megacity Championship | NANPC Vancouver CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome back to NANPC Vancouver\, and welcome to Vancouver's fi rst Megacity Championship!\nWe will be holding this event in The Main Hall of The Beaumont Studios\nLots more details to be announced\, watch this s pace!\nThis is a two day event!\n\nDay 1 will be Swiss Rounds for the Stan dard event.\nDay 2 will be the top cut and side events (details to come)\n Some amount of Learn to Play will be available on both days.\n\nPlease not e\, because of venue availability\, the start times are different for each day.\n\n\nDay 1 has registration start at 9:30am\, with the tournament st arting at 10am.\n\n\nDay 1 will end by 6pm\n\n\nDay 2 has registration sta rt at 1:30pm\, with the tournament starting at 2pm.\n\n\nDay 2 will end by 10pm (though it's possible top cut/side events finish earlier than that\n \n\nEntry fee TBD\nFormat will be Single Sided Swiss. Number of rounds and top cut will be based on attendance\nNote: A Megacity Championship is a c ompetitive tier event\, and as such\, decklists are required to enter\, an d alt arts must follow the guidelines found in Appendix III of the OP Poli cies\nFor more local information and announcements\, join the Vancouver Di scord Server\, and message me\; my username is Sindarin.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome back to NANPC Vancouver\, and welco me to Vancouver's first Megacity Championship!


We will be holding this event in The Main Hall of The Beaumont Studios


Lots more deta ils to be announced\, watch this space!


This is a two day event!\n


Please note\, because of venue availability\, the start times are different for each day.


Entry fee TBD


Format will be Single Sided Swiss. Number of roun ds and top cut will be based on attendance


Note: A Megacity Champi onship is a competitive tier event\, and as such\, decklists are required to enter\, and alt arts must follow the guidelines found in Appendix III of the OP Policies


For mo re local information and announcements\, join the Vancouver Discord Server\, and message me\; my usern ame is Sindarin.