BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4776alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20250524T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20250525T235900 URL: ionship LOCATION:38 Garema Pl\, Canberra ACT 2600\, Australia SUMMARY:AUS Capital Megacity Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come join us for Australia's first Megacity championship in Can berra!\nWhere\nThe event will be hosted at Good Games Canberra City conven iently located in the middle of the city with plenty of hotels and food op tions nearby.\nPlease note this venue is unfortunately not wheelchair acce ssible - the event space is on the second floor and there is no lift avail able.\nWhen\nMay 24-25\nSaturday the store is open from 9AM\, registration will start 9:20 with first round starting 10:00\nSunday store opens 10AM\ nFormat\nThe format will be 7 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss on the Saturday with a top 8 Double-Elimination cut on Sunday.\nSide Events\nFor those th at don't make the top cut there will be a Startup CTK event on the Sunday as well as 'Classique' decks (signature matchups across the history of Net runner) available for pick-up-and-play games.\nPrizing\nPrizing for the ma in event will be the standard Megacity prize kit\, as well as a custom alt -art for participation that will be announced one able.\nTickets\nTicket i nformation will be updated in the coming weeks.\nThis event will be capped at 48 players (not that I expect to reach this\, but it is the venues cap acity)\nDecklists\nAs a competitive tier event decklists will be required. Players are asked to bring a printed decklist with them\, templates for w hich can be found on the Null Signal Games site.\n /organizers/organizer-downloads/\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come join us for Australia's first Megacity championship in Canberra!
\nWhere\nThe event will be hosted at Good Games Canberra City conveniently located in the middle of the city with p lenty of hotels and food options nearby.\nPlease note thi s venue is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible - the event space is on the second floor and there is no lift available.
\nWhen\nMay 24-25\ nSaturday the store is open from 9AM\, registration will start 9:20 with f irst round starting 10:00\nSunday store opens 10AM
\nFormat\nThe for mat will be 7 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss on the Saturday with a top 8 Do uble-Elimination cut on Sunday.
\nSide Events\nFor those that don't make the top cut there will be a Startup CTK event on the Sunday as well a s 'Classique' decks (signature matchups across the history of Netrunner) a vailable for pick-up-and-play games.
\nPrizing\nPrizing for the main event will be the standard Megacity prize kit\, as well as a custom alt-a rt for participation that will be announced one able.
\nTickets\nTic ket information will be updated in the coming weeks.\nThis event will be c apped at 48 players (not that I expect to reach this\, but it is the venue s capacity)
\nDecklists\nAs a competitive tier event decklists will be required. Players are asked to bring a printed decklist with them\, tem plates for which can be found on the Null Signal Games site.\nhttps://null