BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4773alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Singapore:20250412T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Singapore:20250412T235900 URL: nship-2025 LOCATION:259A Upper Thomson Rd\, Singapore 574386 SUMMARY:Singapore District Championship 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:EDIT: Date shifted to 12th April by popular demand!\nThe Distri ct Championship season comes to Singapore!\nJoin us for a 1 day event on S aturday 12th April! Doors open at 12 noon\, with the player brief to start at 12:30pm. I expect the event to end by 8pm-ish. There will be a break d uring the Swiss rounds by player consensus.\nFormat: 6 rounds Single-Sided Swiss\, with cut to top 4 single elimination\nEntry Fee: 15 SGD\nVenue: G amersaurus Rex (\nAs a Competiti ve-tier event\, players are expected to provide written or printed decklis ts\, have the courtesy to perform basic board maintenance\, and have their decks appropriately sleeved. Judges reserve the right to reject any alt a rts they deem unsuitable for play. If you have any unofficial alt arts you wish to use in your deck\, do present them to a judge during deck registr ation. Players are responsible for replacing any cards deemed unsuitable f or play.\nIn all cases we will be adhering to NSG's Competitive-tier guide lines and Code of Conduct.\nIf anyone has any questions or is unsure about attending\, do reach out to me on Discord! We'd love to have you here and I'd be more than happy to see if there's a way for you to attend (especia lly if you're traveling in from overseas!)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
EDIT: Date shifted to 12th April by popular demand!
\nThe District Championship season comes t o Singapore!
\nJoin us for a 1 day event on Saturday 12th April! Doo rs open at 12 noon\, with the player brief to start at 12:30pm. I expect t he event to end by 8pm-ish. There will be a break during the Swiss rounds by player consensus.
\nFormat: 6 rounds Single-Sided Swiss\, with cu t to top 4 single elimination\nEntry Fee: 15 SGD
\nVenue: Gamersauru s Rex (
\nAs a Competitive -tier event\, players are expected to provide written or printed decklists \, have the courtesy to perform basic board maintenance\, and have their d ecks appropriately sleeved. Judges reserve the right to reject any alt art s they deem unsuitable for play. If you have any unofficial alt arts you w ish to use in your deck\, do present them to a judge during deck registrat ion. Players are responsible for replacing any cards deemed unsuitable for play.
\nIn all cases we will be adhering to NSG's Competitive-tier guidelines and Code of Conduct.
\nIf anyone has any questions or is unsure about attending\, do reach out to me on Discord! We'd love to have you here and I'd be more than happy to see if there's a way for you to att end (especially if you're traveling in from overseas!)