BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4767alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250306T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250306T235900 URL: ern-pacific LOCATION:620 Treat Ave\, San Francisco\, CA 94110\, USA SUMMARY:March Some-stakes at Southern Pacific CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Tournament Details\nCome join us for the March No-stakes Tourna ment! This is a casual tournament\, but let's use it to get ready for Dis tricts this weekend! As always\, this is a great chance to get familiar w ith tournament rules in a friendly setting\; all are welcome\, regardless of skill or experience.\nYou can self-register on Aesop's Tables: https://\nRecommended Entry Fee: $10*\nTo help cover prize support at this event and the weekly meetups\, I kindly reque st a $10 entry fee.\n*Although appreciated\, the entry fee is optional. N o problem if you can't afford it\; I'd rather you come and not pay than no t join us at all.\nSchedule\nWe'll start around 6:00 pm and play 4-5 round s of single sided swiss using the standard cardpool. Each round will be 40 minutes long. Feel free to drop in late or drop out early as needed.\nAt the end of the swiss rounds\, people can stay and hang out or keep playing until Southern Pacific closes at 11.\nOther Details\nThis event coincides with our regular Thursday night meetup\, so all are welcome\, even if you don't want to play in the timed swiss rounds.\nIf you have any questions or want to hang out with us online\, join us on discord!\nThis event is ho sted at Southern Pacific Brewing. They have food and drinks so feel free to come early to get dinner there. They check IDs at the door.\nFor more info on Netrunner around the Bay\, including Learn to Play events\, casual GNKs\, and tournaments\, check out\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Tournament Details


Come join us f or the March No-stakes Tournament! This is a casual tournament\, but let' s use it to get ready for Districts this weekend! As always\, this is a g reat chance to get familiar with tournament rules in a friendly setting\; all are welcome\, regardless of skill or experience.


You can self- register on Aesop's Tables:


Recomme nded Entry Fee: $10*\nTo help cover prize support at this event and the we ekly meetups\, I kindly request a $10 entry fee.\n*Although appreciated\, the entry fee is optional. No problem if you can't afford it\; I'd rather you come and not pay than not join us at all.




We'll start around 6:00 pm and play 4-5 rounds of single sided swiss using the standard cardpool. Each round will be 40 minutes long. Feel free to d rop in late or drop out early as needed.


At the end of the swiss r ounds\, people can stay and hang out or keep playing until Southern Pacifi c closes at 11.


Other Details


This event coincides with our regular Thursday night meetup\, so all are welcome\, even if you don't want to play in the timed swiss rounds.


If you have any questions or want to hang out with us online\, join us on discord!


This event is hosted at So uthern Pacific Brewing. They have food and drinks so feel free to come ea rly to get dinner there. They check IDs at the door.


For more inf o on Netrunner around the Bay\, including Learn to Play events\, casual GN Ks\, and tournaments\, check out sansan. cards.