BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4745alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250719 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250721 URL: hip SUMMARY:Hasselt Megacity Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This tournament will be held at the community center ‘heilig kruis’ in Hasselt\, it will have a max cap of 100 players. Ticket/regist ration system will be setup soon. We are looking for extra judges\, if you want to help judge this event dm me on discord\, my handle is AlPi. Or se nd me an email (\nData\nDates: Saturday 19 J uly - Sunday 20 July\nLocation: Kruisherenlaan 29\, 3500 Hasselt Google Ma ps Link\nDoors: 10:00 | Registration 10:30 | Start: 11:00-11:30\nEntry Fee : €10 | Sunday only: €5\nTO: Alexander "\;AlPi"\; Piters\nMart ial: Ruben "\;RubenPieters"\; Pieters (official NSG rules team)\nS mall warning: Monday 21 July is a national holiday in Belgium\, a lot of p laces will be closed.\nTournament\nSaturday 19 July is the standard tourna ment\, Single-Sided Swiss\, 7 rounds\, with double-elimination top cut on the following day.\nSunday 20 July will also have some side events with ne trunner price support:\n\nStartup tournament\nNSG only cube (max 6 people) \nSiderial Confluence gauntlet (max 27 people). I have 2 English copies an d 1 French copy\n\nVenue\nYou can bring your own drinks and food. This ven ue will have a bar where you can buy drinks\, I will make sure there is go od belgium beer. There is also a kitchen where you can buy food. There are food/drinks options in a 15 min walk radius. You can find some big genera l stores like Aldi and also some Frituur where you can buy belgium fries e tc.\nThere will be a seperate quiet room for players. If you want to make use of this let me know beforehand.\nHere are some pictures of the main ro om:\n\n\nTravel stuff\nFor sleep options you can look in or around Hasselt . You can also go to the city nextdoor Genk\, there should be a good publi c transport connection between Hasselt and Genk.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This tournament will be held at the communi ty center ‘heilig kruis’ in Hasselt\, it will have a max cap of 100 pl ayers. Ticket/registration system will be setup soon. We are looking for e xtra judges\, if you want to help judge this event dm me on discord\, my h andle is AlPi. Or send me an email (


Dates: Saturday 19 July - Sunday 20 July\nLocation: Kruish erenlaan 29\, 3500 Hasselt Google Maps Link\nDoors: 10:00 | Registration 10:30 | Start: 11 :00-11:30\nEntry Fee: €10 | Sunday only: €5\nTO: Alexander "\;AlPi "\; Piters\nMartial: Ruben "\;RubenPieters"\; Pieters (officia l NSG rules team)


Small warning: Monday 21 July is a national holi day in Belgium\, a lot of places will be closed.



\ n

Saturday 19 July is the standard tournament\, Single-Sided Swiss\, 7 r ounds\, with double-elimination top cut on the following day.\nSunday 20 J uly will also have some side events with netrunner price support:




You can bring your own drin ks and food. This venue will have a bar where you can buy drinks\, I will make sure there is good belgium beer. There is also a kitchen where you ca n buy food. There are food/drinks options in a 15 min walk radius. You can find some big general stores like Aldi and also some Frituur where you ca n buy belgium fries etc.


There will be a seperate quiet room for p layers. If you want to make use of this let me know beforehand.


He re are some pictures of the main room:\n\"\"\n\"\"


Travel stuff


For sleep opti ons you can look in or around Hasselt. You can also go to the city nextdoo r Genk\, there should be a good public transport connection between Hassel t and Genk.