BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:474alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170316T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170316T235900 URL: LOCATION:7211 Colonial St\, Boise\, ID 83709\, USA SUMMARY:Boise Netrunner 2017 Q1 GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:ABU Games 2017 Q1 Netrunner GNK!\nOnly $5 Entry!\nALL participa nts will receive two (2) copies of the Mushin No Shin alt-art cards! Top p rizes will include Sunny Lebau alternative art cards and NBN themed click tracker tokens from FFG. Each player is expected to bring both a corporati on and runner deck. There will be at least 3 swiss rounds lasting up to 65 minutes. A double-elimination cut to top 4 will occur if time and player count allows.\nDon't delay\, and arrive by 6 PM to participate in the end- of-league\, Q1 2017 tournament for Android: Netrunner! Decks are expected to be NAPD Most-Wanted List legal as of tournament regulations 1.0.1 liste d here:\n 0c56-5798-4617-8f58-699a109ba6b0/adn_tournament_regulations_v101_high_res. pdf\nLegal packs include all releases up to Daedalus Complex!\nLet us know in comments if you have any questions/requests!\nGNK Tourney Prize Breakd own:\n1st: A "\;Run Amok"\; store championship playmat and box\, a n alt-art Sunny Lebau\, and a playset of NBN click tracker tokens + 40% st ore credit!\n2nd: Sunny Lebau alt art and click tracker tokens + 30% store credit!\n3rd: Sunny Lebau alt art + 20% store credit!\n4th: 10% store cre dit!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
ABU Games 2017 Q1 Netrunner GNK!
\nOn ly $5 Entry!
\nALL participants will receive two (2) copies of the M ushin No Shin alt-art cards! Top prizes will include Sunny Lebau alternati ve art cards and NBN themed click tracker tokens from FFG. Each player is expected to bring both a corporation and runner deck. There will be at lea st 3 swiss rounds lasting up to 65 minutes. A double-elimination cut to to p 4 will occur if time and player count allows.
\nDon't delay\, and arrive by 6 PM to participate in the end-of-league\, Q1 2017 tournament fo r Android: Netrunner! Decks are expected to be NAPD Most-Wanted List legal as of tournament regulations 1.0.1 listed here:
\nhttps://images-cd 9ba6b0/adn_tournament_regulations_v101_high_res.pdf
\nLegal packs in clude all releases up to Daedalus Complex!
\nLet us know in comments if you have any questions/requests!
\nGNK Tourney Prize Breakdown:< /p>\n
1st: A "\;Run Amok"\; store championship playmat and box\, an alt-art Sunny Lebau\, and a playset of NBN click tracker tokens + 40% store credit!
\n2nd: Sunny Lebau alt art and click tracker tokens + 30% store credit!
\n3rd: Sunny Lebau alt art + 20% store credit!
\n4th: 10% store credit!