BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4730alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250329 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250330 URL: SUMMARY:APAC Online District CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAs part of our commitment to provide access to Organized Play worldwide\, our Online District Championships are an opportunity for play ers who may not have easy access to an in-person District Championship to play in during the first stage of our Competitive Season.\nDistrict Champi onships are the entry-level Competitive Tier events. As such\, All players are welcome\, but are expected to have a fair baseline understanding of t he rules and the structure of an event. Decklists will be required to ente r.\nTickets are available on Eventbrite for those seeking prizes - however anyone may choose to participate without purchasing a ticket - they will just be ineligible for prizing\nTicket Sales close 15 minutes prior to the start of the event.\nPlayers can play in any number of Online Districts a nd they are not in any way restricted by a player's location. The regions listed on are an indicator of the most suitable time zone for the events.\ nThis event\, the APAC Online District\, is starting on March 29th\, 09:00 AWST (UTC+8). The number of rounds and the size of the Top Cut will be de termined by the number of players\, according to Organized Play Policies.\ nThe event will be run through the NSG Online Event Hub Discord. Details f or decklist registration will be provided before the start of the event in the relevant announcement channel.\nThis event is part of a series of 3 O nline Districts\, with the other two being the EMEA Online District and th e American Online District\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
As part of our commitment to p rovide access to Organized Play worldwide\, our Online District Championsh ips are an opportunity for players who may not have easy access to an in-p erson District Championship to play in during the first stage of our Compe titive Season.
\nDistrict Championships are the entry-level Competit ive Tier events. As such\, All players are welcome\, but are expected to h ave a fair baseline understanding of the rules and the structure of an eve nt. Decklists will be required to enter.
\nTicket Sales close 15 minutes prior to the start of the e vent.
\nPlayers can play in any number of Online Districts and they are not in any way restricted by a player's location. The regions listed on are an indicator of the most suitable time zone for the events.
\nThis event\, the APAC Online District\, is start ing on March 29th\, 09:00 AWST (UTC+8). The number of rounds and the size of the Top Cut will b e determined by the number of players\, according to Organized Play Policie s.
\nThe event will be run through the NSG Online Event Hub Discord. Details for decklist re gistration will be provided before the start of the event in the relevant announcement channel.
\nThis event is part of a series of 3 Online D istricts\, with the other two being the EMEA Online District and the American Online District