BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4723alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250628T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250629T235900 URL: nship LOCATION:3132 N Downer Ave\, Milwaukee\, WI 53211\, USA SUMMARY:Milwaukee Megacity Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nCompetitive Netrunner comes to the heart of the Midwest with the Milwaukee Megacity Championship Tournament! Enjoy your favorite game w ith beer\, brats\, cheese\, Lake Michigan\, the sounds of Summerfest\, and all this historic city has to offer.\nThe tournament will be held at Old Guard Games\, just off the University of Wisconsin’s Milwaukee campus in the gorgeous Downer Woods neighborhood. The store is minutes away from mu ltiple Lake Michigan lakefront parks and beaches\, hiking trails\, the Mil waukee Art Museum\, Summerfest grounds\, and downtown Milwaukee.\nRooms di scounted for the tournament are available at the Riverfront Holiday Inn Ho tel. Discounted rooms will be available until May 27th. Follow the link fo r the discount rate\, or enter block code Y19 when making your reservation . Reserve your room ASAP! It will be lost to Summerfest reservations if yo u delay!\nSee the following sites for information on Milwaukee tourism and Summerfest:\nVisit Milwaukee\nSummerfest\nMilwaukee Art Museum\nFormat: S ingle-sided Swiss\, 6-7 rounds\, with a double-elimination top cut on day 2.\nEntry Fee: $10 per player to recoup additional prizing costs. You will be added to the tournaments Cobra page within 24 hours of payment receipt via Eventbrite. Cash payments will be accepted at registration.\nDecklist Submission:\nDecklists must be submitted by/during registration using one of the following methods:\n\nOn the Tournament Cobra page.\nBring this sh eet filled out with you to the tournament.\n\n(Not preferred) Fill out a b lank sheet provided at the event during registration.\n\nFurther Details:\ nThis will be a standard competitive tier tournament.\nYou can find Null S ignal Games organized play policies here\nPlease see the Wisconsin Netrunn er Discord server for any updates\, day-of communications\, or to contact the TO\, @Baxder with any questions.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

\"MEGA\nCompetitive Netrunner comes to the heart of th e Midwest with the Milwaukee Megacity Championship Tournament! Enjoy your favorite game with beer\, brats\, cheese\, Lake Michigan\, the sounds of S ummerfest\, and all this historic city has to offer.


The tournamen t will be held at Old Guard Games\, just off the University of Wisconsin ’s Milwaukee campus in the gorgeous Downer Woods neighborhood. The store is minutes away from multiple Lake Michigan lakefront parks and beaches\, hiking trails\, the Milwaukee Art Museum\, Summerfest grounds\, and downt own Milwaukee.


Rooms discounted for the tournament are available a t the River front Holiday Inn Hotel. Discounted rooms will be available until May 27th. Follow the link for the discount rate\, or enter block code Y19 when making your reservation. Reserve your room ASAP! It will be lost to Summerfest reservations if you delay!


See the followin g sites for information on Milwaukee tourism and Summerfest:\nVisit Milwaukee\nSummerfest\nMilwaukee Art Museum


Format: Single-sided Sw iss\, 6-7 rounds\, with a double-elimination top cut on day 2.


Entry Fee: $10 per player to recoup additional prizing costs . You will be added to the tournaments Cobra page within 24 hours of payment r eceipt via Eventbrite. Cash payments will be accepted at registration.


Decklist Submis sion:\nDecklists must be submitted by/during registration using o ne of the following methods:


Furt her Details:


This will be a standard competitive tier tournament.


You can find Null Signal Games organized play policies here


Please see the Wisconsin Netrunner Discord server for any updates\, day-of communicat ions\, or to contact the TO\, @Baxder with any questions.