BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4722alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20250223T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20250223T235900 URL: of-2025 SUMMARY:TORONTO PATH CO: THE FIRST OF 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:We don't have new cards yet but we haven't had a tournament in a while so it's about time that we have another\, I think. It's time for C hildren's Card Games.\nWe'll be playing 4 rounds of double-sided swiss and then running a top cut. This is a competitive event but we encourage ever yone to participate\, regardless of level of experience! Everyone will rec eive prizes\, regardless of performance. Registration will be $10\, with a n additional $10 option for delivered pizza during a meal break. (Please n ote that if you cannot afford the registration fee\, you will not be turne d away. Just discuss this with the TO directly [Joshua in the Torsaug Disc ord].)\nWe'll have plenty of prizes and if everyone promises to be on thei r best behaviour then maybe I will bring Timbits. Come play Netrunner! It' s the dead of winter\, you don't have anything else to do probably I bet.\ nIf you have any questions about the location\, the event\, or if you wish to borrow decks\, please contact us in our discord.\nDirections to the ev ent space can be found here. Start at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel (1 23 Queen St. W) and then follow our handy guide.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

We don't have new cards yet but we haven't had a tournament in a while so it's about time that we have another\, I th ink. It's time for Children's Card Games.


We'll be playing 4 round s of double-sided swiss and then running a top cut. This is a competitive event but we encourage everyone to participate\, regardless of level of ex perience! Everyone will receive prizes\, regardless of performance. Regist ration will be $10\, with an additional $10 option for delivered pizza dur ing a meal break. (Please note that if you cannot afford the registration fee\, you will not be turned away. Just discuss this with the TO directly [Joshua in the Torsaug Discord].)


We'll have plenty of prizes and if everyone promises to be on their best behaviour then maybe I will bring Timbits. Come play Netrunner! It's the dead of winter\, you don't have an ything else to do probably I bet.


If you have any questions about the location\, the event\, or if you wish to borrow decks\, please contact us in our discord.


Dir ections to the event space can be found here. Start at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel (123 Queen St. W) and then follow ou r handy guide.