BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4719alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250222T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250222T235900 URL: rnament LOCATION:3333 University Way\, Kelowna\, BC V1V 1V7\, Canada SUMMARY:Kelowna System Gateway Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:What's up all\, we're planning on hosting a SYSTEM GATEWAY ONLY TOURNAMENT Saturday\, February 22nd\, from 2:30pm-8:00pm.\n\nPRIZING\n1st place: a copy of System Gateway!\nTop 3: A playset of full art Offworld O ffice!\nParticipation: A faction sticker and a playset from the prize bind er!\nAdditional prizes TBA!\n\nDETAILS\nEntry fee: $10 for pizza n prizes\ nLocation: somewhere on the UBC campus since we can get a room for free\nD ate and Time: Saturday\, February 22nd\, 2:30-8:00\nSignup from 2:30-3:00\ , round 1 begins at 3:00.\nThe tournament will be 5 rounds of single sided swiss (you and your opponent play one match\, which side you are playing will be determined by the tournament software). Each round will be 40 minu tes\, with 5 minutes between rounds to find your opponent and set up.\nWe anticipate the event will last around 5 hours\, we will provide pizza for dinner.\nDecks will be Gateway Constructed (build a legal deck from cards in the System Gateway pack) or Starter+Booster (the slightly bigger beginn er decks).\nAs this is a system gateway tournament\, we highly encourage n ew players to join! If you don't have cards\, we will print a full playset of system gateway cards for you from staples FREE OF CHARGE\, as long as you let us know by Friday the 14th\, 23:59. We will not be providing sleev es.\n\nHope to see you there!!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

What's up all\, we're planning on hosting a SYSTEM GATEWAY ONLY TOURNAMENT Saturday\, February 22nd\, from 2:30pm-8:0 0pm.




1st place: a copy of System Gateway!< /p>\n

Top 3: A playset of full art Offworld Office!


Participatio n: A faction sticker and a playset from the prize binder!


Addition al prizes TBA!




Entry fee: $10 for pizza n prizes


Location: somewhere on the UBC campus since we can get a ro om for free


Date and Time: Saturday\, February 22nd\, 2:30-8:00


Signup from 2:30-3:00\, round 1 begins at 3:00.


The tourname nt will be 5 rounds of single sided swiss (you and your opponent play one match\, which side you are playing will be determined by the tournament so ftware). Each round will be 40 minutes\, with 5 minutes between rounds to find your opponent and set up.


We anticipate the event will last a round 5 hours\, we will provide pizza for dinner.


Decks will be Ga teway Constructed (build a legal deck from cards in the System Gateway pac k) or Starter+Booster (the slightly bigger beginner decks).


As thi s is a system gateway tournament\, we highly encourage new players to join ! If you don't have cards\, we will print a full playset of system gateway cards for you from staples FREE OF CHARGE\, as long as you let us know by Friday the 14th\, 23:59. We will not be providing sleeves.

\n< p>Hope to see you there!!