BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4711alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20250223T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20250223T235900 URL: LOCATION:88 Grenfell St\, Adelaide SA 5000\, Australia SUMMARY:Adelaide Cube Draft CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:A casual Netrunner cube draft tournament for 6-10 players. No n eed to bring your own cards\, but please bring tokens\, and you do need a basic understanding of how to play already.\n-- What's a Cube Draft? --\nI f you haven't played a cube draft before\, it's basically the best thing e ver! Here are the basics:\n 1. The cube is a pool of Netrunner cards we 'll all be building our decks from on the day\n 2. Drafting is the proc ess by which we pick our cards. You start with a hand of 10 cards\, pick 1 and pass the rest left\, then receive cards from your right and repeat. T hen repeat until you have 40 cards each for corp and runner.\n 3. Build decks from those cards\, ignoring the normal rules for influence\, factio ns or 3-per-deck limit. Deck sizes are 30 card minimums.\n 4. Play a 3 swiss round tournament with the decks we have created. Games are to 6 poin ts.\n\nThe cube only has cards for 10 people so be sure to reserve your pl ace (and please let us know ASAP if you need to cancel).\nEntry is $6 per person.\n-- Card list --\nThis is a singleton cube draft using cards from every era of Netrunner.\nThe list of cards included in the cube can be fou nd here: 7IY3X6hUwZGQXr1_bo/edit?usp=sharing\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

A casual Netrunner cube draft tournament fo r 6-10 players. No need to bring your own cards\, but please bring tokens\ , and you do need a basic understanding of how to play already.


-- What's a Cube Draft? --\nIf you haven't played a cube draft before\, it's basically the best thing ever! Here are the basics:

   The cube is a pool of Netrunner cards we'll all be building our decks fr
 om on the day\n  2.   Drafting is the process by which we pick our cards. 
 You start with a hand of 10 cards\, pick 1 and pass the rest left\, then r
 eceive cards from your right and repeat. Then repeat until you have 40 car
 ds each for corp and runner.\n  3.   Build decks from those cards\, ignori
 ng the normal rules for influence\, factions or 3-per-deck limit. Deck siz
 es are 30 card minimums.\n  4.   Play a 3 swiss round tournament with the 
 decks we have created. Games are to 6 points.\n

The cube only has cards for 10 people so be sure to reserve your place (and please let us know ASAP if you need to cancel).


Entry is $6 per person.\n

-- Card list --\nThis is a singleton cube draft using cards from ev ery era of Netrunner.


The list of cards included in the cube can b e found here: Xkd9m7IY3X6hUwZGQXr1_bo/edit?usp=sharing