BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4710alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250503T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250503T235900 URL: casual-tournament LOCATION:5 Union St\, Reading RG1 1EU\, UK SUMMARY:Reading Elevation Release Casual Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nElevation Release Casual Tournament\nBUY TICKETS\nTo celebrat e the release of Elevation\, I've organized a Casual Tournament at Eclecti c Games!\nWe will be using the standard card pool as of the release of Ele vation\, using the most up to date ban list. Even if Elevation is not yet legal for competitive tier events\, this event will use the Elevation card pool and ban list!\nThis will include:\n\nSystem Gateway\nElevation\nAshe s\n\nDownfall\nUprising\n\n\nBorealis\n\nMidnight Sun\nParhelion\n\n\nLibe ration\n\nThe Automata Initiative\nRebellion Without Rehearsal\n\n\n\nThis will use the 2025 H1 Casual Tournament Kit\, which has arrived and so pri zing will be available on the day (unlike previous local events\, which ha ve had to send prizes after the event). Additional supplemental prizing is being organized!\nBUY TICKETS\nSchedule\n\n10:30 Registration\n11:00 Roun d 1\n11:50 Round 2\nLunch\n13:30 Round 3\n14:20 Round 4\n15:10 Round 5\n16 :00 Round 6\n16:50 Prizing\n17:00 Done\n\nBUY TICKETS\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
To celebrate t he release of Elevation\, I've organized a Casual Tournament at Eclectic G ames!
\nWe will be using the standard card pool as of the release of Elevation\, using the most up to date ban list. Even if Elevation is not yet legal for competitive tier events\, this event will use the Elevation card pool and ban list!
\nThis will include:
\nThis will use the 2025 H1 Casual Tournament Kit\, which has arrived and s o prizing will be available on the day (unlike previous local events\, whi ch have had to send prizes after the event). Additional supplemental prizi ng is being organized!