BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4706alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20250222T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20250222T235900 URL: championship LOCATION:Level 2/73 Malop St\, Geelong VIC 3220\, Australia SUMMARY:Geelong (Djillong) District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Its time for the new tier of competition! Jam your best standar d before we ascend\, and fight for a District title!\n$15 Tickets here!\nh ttps:// ets-1232410124859?aff=oddtdtcreator\nEvent Details:\nMelbourne Netrunner d iscord event link\nStandard Format\nDeck list Submission Required Submissi on form here\nCompetitive-tier event\n40 minute rounds SSS\nTime details:\ n11am player meeting\, 11:30am Round 1 Begins.\nWe will be playing 40 minu te rounds of single-sided swiss. Playing 6 rounds (most likely) with a sin gle elimination top cut.\nWe plan to break for 45 minutes for lunch\, but this may be reduced to 30 minutes due to time constraints.\nDistrict Champ ionships intend to create an environment where most players have a local c ompetitive event within a few hours of travel. This is considered an NSG s anctioned competetive-tier event.\nSimply cannot wait to host my first com petitive tier event\, and super keen to T.O Victoria's first District even t!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Its time for the new tier of competition! J am your best standard before we ascend\, and fight for a District title!\n

$15 Tickets here!\n -district-championship-tickets-1232410124859?aff=oddtdtcreator


Eve nt Details:\nMelbourne Netrunner discord event link\nStand ard Format\nDeck list Submission Required Submission form here\nCompetitive-tier event\n40 minute rounds SSS


Time details:


11am player meeting\, 11:30am Round 1 Begins.


We will be playing 40 minute rounds of single-sided swis s. Playing 6 rounds (most likely) with a single elimination top cut.


We plan to break for 45 minutes for lunch\, but this may be reduced to 30 minutes due to time constraints.


District Championships intend to create an environment where most players have a local competitive event within a few hours of travel. This is considered an NSG sanctioned compet etive-tier event.


Simply cannot wait to host my first competitive tier event\, and super keen to T.O Victoria's first District event!