BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4704alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250426T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250426T235900 URL: -championship LOCATION:1314 Inwood Rd\, Dallas\, TX 75247\, USA SUMMARY:Dallas-Fort Worth District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come down to Common Ground Games for our first ever District Ch ampionship! The event will use Single-Sided Swiss and will be 6 rounds wi th a cut to 4 or 8\, depending on attendance. As a door prize\, we will h ave both the Texas District Bluebonnet Flower Sermon and the unique Dallas -themed AMAZE Amusements to complete your collection for the Texas Distric t Season - this will be your only* opportunity to collect this card\, so m ake sure you come to play! You can get copies of the Austin and Houston un ique cards by showing up to our sister cities’ events on Saturday\, Marc h 8th and Saturday\, April 5th\, respectively. Collect all three for some serious bragging rights! If you manage to make the cut\, you’ll earn on e of our haunting Extracts\, and as always - if you win the tournament\, y ou’ll earn yourself a first-round bye at the Dallas Megacity Tournament (or any other megacity I guess) on July 19th and 20th!\nAfter the Swiss ro unds\, we will have an Elevation Cube Draft side event using System Gatewa y and Elevation\, prizing TBD (likely a lightly used copy of Elevation and the sleeves used for the draft 😉).\nEntry is $5\, paid at the register . We will follow NSG guidelines for competitive-tier events\, so open dec k lists for the cut.\nThe store opens at 11:00\, so the event will start a t 11:30. Please show up early to make sure that you’re registered on tim e.\nLooking forward to seeing you there!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come down to Common Ground Games for our fi rst ever District Championship! The event will use Single-Sided Swiss and will be 6 rounds with a cut to 4 or 8\, depending on attendance. As a do or prize\, we will have both the Texas District Bluebonnet Flower Sermon a nd the unique Dallas-themed AMAZE Amusements to complete your collection f or the Texas District Season - this will be your only* opportunity to coll ect this card\, so make sure you come to play! You can get copies of the A ustin and Houston unique cards by showing up to our sister cities’ event s on Saturday\, March 8th and Saturday\, April 5th\, respectively. Collect all three for some serious bragging rights! If you manage to make the cu t\, you’ll earn one of our haunting Extracts\, and as always - if you wi n the tournament\, you’ll earn yourself a first-round bye at the Dallas Megacity Tournament (or any other megacity I guess) on July 19th and 20th!
\nAfter the Swiss rounds\, we will have an Elevation Cube Draft sid e event using System Gateway and Elevation\, prizing TBD (likely a lightly used copy of Elevation and the sleeves used for the draft 😉).
\nEntry is $5\, paid at the register. We will follow NSG guidelines for com petitive-tier events\, so open deck lists for the cut.
\nThe store o pens at 11:00\, so the event will start at 11:30. Please show up early to make sure that you’re registered on time.
\nLooking forward to see ing you there!