BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4703alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250405T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250405T235900 URL: pionship LOCATION:2500 Yale St Ste B\, Houston\, TX 77008\, USA SUMMARY:Houston District 2025 Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the Houston District Championship! We'll start at 11 am since there will be a top cut.\nSuggested Price of admission: $10*\n*If it is a hardship and/or you're going to spend more in gas to get here\, d on't worry about it\, just come and play.\nI'll have some breakfast tacos available for anyone who registers at least by whenever I check on the pri or Thursday to make the order. There is an also attendance cap of 25 at th e venue\, so I'd suggest registering early by cling "\;Going"\; to claim your spot.\nThe parking lot is pretty limited\, so you might have t o park on the street on 25th or Aurora.\nThere are exclusive extra prize s upport for attending the District events in Austin (3/8)\, Houston (4/5)\, and Dallas (4/26)! (I'll add the extra information when available.)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to the Houston District Championshi p! We'll start at 11am since there will be a top cut.
\nSuggested Pr ice of admission: $10*\n*If it is a hardship and/or you're going to spend more in gas to get here\, don't worry about it\, just come and play.
\nI'll have some breakfast tacos available for anyone who registers at le ast by whenever I check on the prior Thursday to make the order. There is an also attendance cap of 25 at the venue\, so I'd suggest registering ear ly by cling "\;Going"\; to claim your spot.
\nThe parking lo t is pretty limited\, so you might have to park on the street on 25th or A urora.
\nThere are exclusive extra prize support for attending the D istrict events in Austin (3/8)\, Houston (4/5)\, and Dallas (4/26)! (I'll add the extra information when available.)