BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4700alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20250426T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20250426T235900 URL: istrict-championship LOCATION:L1/278 Collins St\, Melbourne VIC 3000\, Australia SUMMARY:Melbourne/Naarm Netrunner District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Melbourne/Naarm Netrunner District Championship 2025\nFormat\nT here will be most likely 6 round of Single Sided Swiss\, followed by a cut to Top 4 Single Elimination. We will be playing in the Standard format wi th the current ban list\nTiming\nDoors will open for Registration at 1000\ , with Round 1 beginning at 1030. So please ensure prompt arrival and ever ything organized for speedy signup. Each round will be 40 mins\, with a lu nch break between rounds 3 and 4.\nPlayer Expectations\nThis is a competit ive-level event\, and as such has stricter expectations on competitors. Th e main things to note are:\nProxies are legal (at all levels of play)\, bu t please ensure that your proxies are legible (handwritten proxies are not allowed).\nPrinted decklists are mandatory (ordered by Type and then Alph abetical). There will be printed templates available to handwrite your dec klist if needed.\nAlt Arts must adhere to Appendix III of the NSG Organise d Play Policy. If you are unsure if your alt arts adhere\, please check wi th the TO prior to the tournament (and bring the original card as a back u p).\nFor more information on Player Expectations see mes/organizers/organized-play-policies/\nPrizing\nThere will be extra priz es prizes prizes for all as well as the prizes from the event kit as seen here\n ations/\nQuestions\nAnything you aren't sure about or need to know\, come find me on the Melbourne discord\, I'm Scarius\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Melbourne/Naarm Netrunner District Champion ship 2025




There will be most likely 6 round of Sing le Sided Swiss\, followed by a cut to Top 4 Single Elimination. We will be playing in the Standard format with the current ban list



Doors will open for Registration at 1000\, with Round 1 beginning a t 1030. So please ensure prompt arrival and everything organized for speed y signup. Each round will be 40 mins\, with a lunch break between rounds 3 and 4.


Player Expectations


This is a competitive-level ev ent\, and as such has stricter expectations on competitors. The main thing s to note are:


Proxies are legal (at all levels of play)\, but ple ase ensure that your proxies are legible (handwritten proxies are not allo wed).


Printed decklists are mandatory (ordered by Type and then Al phabetical). There will be printed templates available to handwrite your d ecklist if needed.


Alt Arts must adhere to Appendix III of the NSG Organised Play Policy. If you are unsure if your alt arts adhere\, please check with the TO prior to the tournament (and bring the original card as a back up).


For more information on Player Expectations see https ://




There will be extra prizes prizes prizes for all as well as the priz es from the event kit as seen here

\n 025-district-championships-prizes-locations/




Any thing you aren't sure about or need to know\, come find me on the Melbourn e discord\, I'm Scarius