BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4694alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250322T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250322T235900 URL: pionship LOCATION:4615 Washington Ave\, Racine\, WI 53405\, USA SUMMARY:SE Wisconsin District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join the Southeast Wisconsin meta at the excellent Sanctum Gami ng Emporium for our first competitive event of the NSG era! We'll play 6 r ounds of Single-Sided Swiss with a single-elimination top cut of 4 if we h ave 16 players or more.\nAdditional Prizing:\nThe winner will receive a cu stom laser-etched trophy provided by Stwyde and a complimentary ticket to Off the Grid Midwest NANPC Tournament\, courtesy of Orbital Tangent.\nRunn er-up:\nIn addition to the selections below\, a photo op with the store's legendary Netrunner-Up trophy!\nOthers:\nA selection of various alt/full-a rt cards\, including the 2024 Q2 GNK\nA set of acrylic Netrunner tokens pr ovided by Kev Shirtcliffe of TableTop Upgrades and 20 Minute Tabletop.\nEn try Fee: $5 store fee per player\, returned as store credit.\nRegistration Time: 11:15-11:45\nDecklist Submission:\nDecklists must be submitted by/d uring registration using one of the following methods:\n\nRegister on the Tournament Page and submit your decklists there.\nExport your decklist fro m NRDB as a text file and print it.\nBring this sheet filled out with you to the tournament.\n(Not preferred) Fill out a blank sheet provided at the event during registration.\n\nFood:\nThe store has a limited selection of snacks and beverages. After round 3\, we will take a one-hour dinner brea k. Numerous food options are minutes away from the store.\nFurther Details :\nThis will be a standard competitive tier tournament using banlist 24.12 .\nYou can find Null Signal Games organized play policies here. Note espec ially the alt-art policies and sleeve accordingly.\nPlease see the Wiscons in Netrunner Discord server for any updates\, day-of communications\, or t o contact the TO\, @Baxder with any questions.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Join the Southeast Wisconsin meta at the ex cellent Sanctum Gaming Emporium for our first competitive event of the NSG era! We'll play 6 rounds of Single-Sided Swiss with a single-elimination top cut of 4 if we have 16 players or more.
\nAdditional Pri zing:
\nThe winner will receive a custom laser-etc hed trophy provided by Stwyde and a complimentary ticket to Off the Grid Midwest NANPC Tournament\, courtesy of Orbital Ta ngent.
\nRunner-up:\nIn addition to the selections below\, a photo op with the store's legendary Netrunner-Up trophy!
\nOth ers:\nA selection of various alt/full-art cards\, including the 2 024 Q2 GNK\nA set of acrylic Netrunner tokens provided by Kev Shirtcliffe of TableTop Upgrades and 20 Minute Tabletop.
\nEntry Fee: $5 store fee per player\, returned as store credit.
\nRegistration Time: 11:15-11:45
\nDecklist Submission:\nDecklists must be submitted by /during registration using one of the following methods:
\nFood:\nThe store has a l imited selection of snacks and beverages. After round 3\, we will take a o ne-hour dinner break. Numerous food options are minutes away from the stor e.
\nFurther Details:\nThis will be a standard c ompetitive tier tournament using banlist 24.12.
\nYou can find Null Signal Games organized play policies here. Note especially the alt-art policies and sleeve accordingly.
\nPlease see the Wisconsin Netrunne r Discord server for any upd ates\, day-of communications\, or to contact the TO\, @Baxder with any que stions.