BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4692alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250322T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250322T235900 URL: istrict-championship LOCATION:97 Mary St\, Sheffield City Centre\, Sheffield S1 4RT\, UK SUMMARY:North Regional (Sheffield District Championship) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nUK Regionals: North England (Sheffield District Championship) \nVenue: Patriot Games\, 97 Mary Street\, Sheffield City Centre\, Sheffiel d S1 4RT\nRegistration: 09:00\nRound 1 start: 10:30\nTicket cost: £20 ava ilable here!\nWhat are UK Regionals?\nThe UK Regionals are a series of com munity-run tournaments throughout the UK\, run by local TOs and Judges. We aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together through local\, competit ive events!\n\nThere are 9 UK regionals this year so get to as many as you can to secure that prizing\, 8 of ours dates have been announced with onl y 1 more extra-special event planned... Get your tickets now!\n\n\nShepher d's Bush (London) on 08/02/2025 [SOLD OUT]\n\n\nBathgate (Scotland) on 22/ 02/2025\n\n\nReading (South East England) on 08/03/2025 [SOLD OUT]\n\n\nNo ttingham (The Midlands) on 15/03/2025\n\nSheffield (Northern England) on 2 2/03/2025\n\nCambridge (East Anglia) on 5/04/2025\n\n\nBirkenhead (North W est) on 12/04/2025\n\n\nBrighton (South Coast) on 19/04/2025\n\n\nFormat\n The event will be held as 7 Rounds of Single Sided Swiss\, followed by a c ut to Top 4 (Single Elimination). The event will use the Standard Format o n the active banlist (currently 24.12).\nPlease bring printed (or clear ha ndwritten) decklists with you to the event\, as we won't have the ability to do this ourselves at the venue.\nRound 1 will start at 10:30. Lunch wil l be after round 4 and will finish at 14:30.\nPrizing\nPrizing for each re gional will include the 2025 District Championship prize kit.\n\nAs well a s additional prizing organised for the regionals series.\n\n\nWinner: Bye for any 2025 Megacity Championship\, an invitation to the 2025 Circuit Bre aker Invitational Championship.\n\nTop 4: Regenesis playmat (illustrated b y Anthony Hutchings)\n\nTop 8: SDS Drone Deployment double-sided alt art ( illustrated by Júlio Rocha)\n\nTop 24: Spin Doctor alt art (Illustrated b y Oliver Morit)\n\nTO's Discretion (6 playsets): Simulchip Alt art (Illust rated by Kira L. Nguyen)\n\nParticipation: A playset (3x copies) of a uniq ue regionals alt art.\n\nTicket Price\nEntry for this event\, and all even ts in the regionals tournament series\, will be £20.\nTickets are availab le here.\nIf you are experiencing financial hardship\, drop me (May) a mes sage via my contact info and we’ll figure something out so you can play. \nThe event cap is roughly 48 people\, so please book ahead to make sure y ou're able to play!\nVenue Information &\; Accessibility\nPatriot Games is a large gaming space that is situated all on one level and is wheelcha ir accessible.\nThe venue has gender neutral bathrooms and an accessible b athroom situated in the store area.\nThere is an on-site cafe that serves hot drinks\, food and freshly baked cakes. The cafe is located in the gami ng hall\, and is accessed via a ramp with hand rails.\nThere’s no dedica ted car park\, but the surrounding area has plenty of car parks for those driving. The store is situated about a 10 minute walk from Sheffield Train Station.\nContact\nIf there's anything we haven't covered\, or you'd like to find out more\, get in touch! The main contact for The North England R egionals is:\nMay S\nmays.leyline\, on Discord and StimSlack\,\nor email m e @ mays.leyline [at]\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



UK Regionals: North England (Sheffield District Championshi p)


Venue: Patriot Games\, 97 Mary Street\, Sheff ield City Centre\, Sheffield S1 4RT\nRegistration: 09:00\ nRound 1 start: 10:30\nTicket cost: £20 available here!


What are UK R egionals?


The UK Regionals are a series of community-run tournaments throughout the UK\, run by local TOs and Judges. We aim to bri ng the UK Netrunner community together through local\, competitive events!




There are 9 UK regionals this year so get to as many as you can t o secure that prizing\, 8 of ours dates have been announced with only 1 mo re extra-special event planned... Get your tickets now!




The event will be held as 7 Rounds of Single Sided Swiss\, followed by a cut t o Top 4 (Single Elimination). The event will use the Standard Format on th e active banlist (currently 24.12).


Please bring printed ( or clear handwritten) decklists with you to the event\, as we won't have t he ability to do this ourselves at the venue.


Round 1 wil l start at 10:30. Lunch will be after round 4 and will finish at 14:30.




Prizing for each regional will incl ude the 2025 District Championship prize kit.




As well as additional priz ing organised for the regionals series.


Ticket P rice


Entry for this event\, and all events in the regiona ls tournament series\, will be £20.


Tickets are available here.


If you are experiencing financial hards hip\, drop me (May) a message via my contact info and we’ll figure somet hing out so you can play.


The event cap is roughly 48 people\, so please book ahead to make sure you're able to play!


Venue Information &\; Accessibility


Patriot Games is a large gaming space that is situated all on one level and is wheelchair accessib le.\nThe venue has gender neutral bathrooms and an accessible bathroom sit uated in the store area.


There is an on-site cafe that serves hot drinks\, food and freshly baked cakes. The cafe is located in the gaming h all\, and is accessed via a ramp with hand rails.


There’s no ded icated car park\, but the surrounding area has plenty of car parks for tho se driving. The store is situated about a 10 minute walk from Sheffield Tr ain Station.




If there's anything we haven't covered\, or you'd like to find out more\, get in touch! The ma in contact for The North England Regionals is:\nMay S\nmays.leyline\, on D iscord and StimSlack\,\nor email me @ mays.leyline [at]