BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4686alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250419T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250419T235900 URL: ict-championship LOCATION:88 London Rd\, Brighton and Hove\, Brighton BN1 4JF\, UK SUMMARY:South Coast (Brighton) District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nUK Regionals: South Coast (Brighton) District Championship.\n Venue: Dice Saloon\, London Road\, Brighton\nRegistration: 10:00\nRound 1 start: 10:45\nTicket cost: £20 Available HERE\nWhat are UK Regionals?\nTh e UK Regionals are a series of community-run tournaments throughout the UK \, run by local TOs and Judges. We aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together through local\, competitive events!\n\nThere are 9 UK regionals this year so get to as many as you can to secure that prizing\, 8 of ours dates have been announced with only 1 more extra-special event planned...\ nGet your tickets now!\n\n\nShepherd's Bush (London) on 08/02/2025 [SOLD O UT]\n\n\nBathgate (Scotland) on 22/02/2025\n\n\nReading (South East Englan d) on 08/03/2025 [SOLD OUT]\n\n\nNottingham (The Midlands) on 15/03/2025\n \n\nSheffield (Northern England) on 22/03/2025\n\n\nCambridge (East Anglia ) on 5/04/2025\n\n\nBirkenhead (North West) on 12/04/2025\n\n\nBrighton (S outh Coast) on 19/04/2025\nThere are 9 UK regionals this year so get to as many as you can to secure that prizing\, 8 of ours dates have been announ ced with only 1 more extra-special event planned...\n\nFormat\nThe event w ill be held as 7 rounds of Single Sided Swiss with a cut to Top 8 Single E limination. The event will use the Standard Format on the active banlist ( currently 24.12). Round 1 will start at 11am. Lunch will be after round 3 and will finish at 2:40pm.\nPrizing\nPrizing for each regional will includ e the 2025 District Championship prize kit.\n\nAs well as additional prizi ng organised for the regionals series.\n\n\nWinner: Bye for any 2025 Megac ity Championship\, an invitation to the 2025 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\n\nTop 4: Regenesis playmat (illustrated by Anthony Hutching s)\n\nTop 8: SDS Drone Deployment double-sided alt art (illustrated by Jú lio Rocha)\n\nTop 24: Spin Doctor alt art (Illustrated by Oliver Morit)\n\ nTO's Discretion (6 playsets): Simulchip Alt art (Illustrated by Kira L. N guyen)\n\nParticipation: A playset (3x copies) of a unique regionals alt a rt.\n\nTicket Price\nEntry for this event\, and all events in the regional s tournament series\, will be £20. Tickets are available [here] (soon). I f you are experiencing financial hardship {please contact us}. The event c ap is 32\, so please book ahead to make sure you're able to play!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



UK Regionals: South Coast (Brighton) District Championship.


Venue: Dice Saloon\, London Road\, Brighton\nRegistration: 10:00\nRound 1 start: 10:45\ nTicket cost: £20 Available HERE


What are UK Re gionals?\nThe UK Regionals are a series of community-run tourname nts throughout the UK\, run by local TOs and Judges. We aim to bring the U K Netrunner community together through local\, competitive events!




There are 9 UK regionals this year so get to as many as you can to secure that prizing\, 8 of ours dates have been announced with only 1 more extra -special event planned...


Get your tickets now!


Format\nThe event will be held as 7 rounds of Si ngle Sided Swiss with a cut to Top 8 Single Elimination. The event will us e the Standard Format on the active banlist (currently 24.12). Round 1 wil l start at 11am. Lunch will be after round 3 and will finish at 2:40pm.


Prizing\nPrizing for each regional will include the 2025 District Championship prize kit.\n\"\nAs well as additional prizing organised for the regionals series.


Ticket Price\nEntry for this event\, and all events in the regionals tournament series\, will be £20. Tickets are available [here] (soon). If you are experiencing fina ncial hardship {please contact us}. The event cap is 32\, so please book a head to make sure you're able to play!