BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4668alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250426 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250427 URL: ise- SUMMARY:[Online] 🌄 Let's watch the sunrise 🌄 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAs the night comes to an end\, you realize that a new chapter is about to begin. You will no longer control your borders or educate the people. You won’t pawn off your worn-out little goblin at the shop arou nd the corner\, drink pure flames or do a run from the bathroom. There’s no one left to get the job done.\nBut as soon as the sun rises above the horizon\, you feel new powers elevating. The world changed. Crime did not. \n\nElevation will be legal for this tournament! If you are as exited for the new cards as I am\, this is the correct event for you. Also\, if you n ever played Standard before: Nobody else did as well! This will be a Casua l Tournament and new players are encouraged to join!\n\nThe tournament wil l be run via the NSG event discord. The player meeting will be 15:30 UTC. If the Dawn Beta for the new Netrunner Online client is up and working\, t he games will be played there. If not\, they will be played on .\n\nSignup will open 26.03. at 15:30 UTC and there will be an extra prize for the first few signups.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



As the night comes to an end\, you realize that a new chapter is about to begin. You will no longer control your borders or educate the people. You won’t pawn off your worn-out little goblin at the shop around the corner\, drink pure flames or do a run from the bathr oom. There’s no one left to get the job done.


But as so on as the sun rises above the horizon\, you feel new powers elevating. The world changed. Crime did not.


Elevati on will be legal for this tournament! If you are as exited fo r the new cards as I am\, this is the correct event for you. Also\, if you never played Standard before: Nobody else did as well! T his will be a Casual Tournament and new players are encouraged to join!


The tournament will be run via the NSG event discord. The player meeting will be 15:30 UTC. If the Dawn Beta for the new Net runner Online client is up and working\, the games will be played ther e. If not\, they will be played on


Signup wil l open 26.03. at 15:30 UTC and there will be an extra prize for the first few signups.