BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4667alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Paris:20250322T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Paris:20250323T235900 URL: ship LOCATION:80 Chem. du Chapitre\, 31100 Toulouse\, France SUMMARY:Toulouse District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to Toulouse City Grid for our District Championship !\n Venue : Salle Gironis\, 80 chemin du Chapitre\, 31100 Toulouse\nThe venue is in a park : You can find the entrance to the park here : Maps link\nThe venue itself : Maps link\nDate and times : We have the venue from Saturda y the 22nd at 10:00 until Sunday the 23rd of mars 23:30\nRegistration star ts : 10:30\nRegistration finishes : 11:00\nRound 1 starts : 11:10\nFormat\ nThe event will be held in SST with a top cut\, the exact number of rounds is still TBD\nThe event will use the Standard Format on the active banlis t (currently 24.12).\nInformation\nOur venue has a capacity for 30 people and we will have access to it for 2 days\nSaturday there will be 6 rounds of SSS\, and on Suday there will be a top cut double eliminiation with 4 p eople.\nThere will alse be a startup side event on Sunday.\nKeep in mind t hat if you need help with lodging\, we may be able to find a couch for you to crash on. Anyway\, just get in touch with us if you need anything.\nPr izing\nPrizing will include the 2025 District Championship prize kit.\nAs well as an exclusive alt art or Orbital Superiority designed by the wonder ful Brindelmold. One side will have english text and the other side will h ave french text\nWe also have a Bundle that includes :\ n\n48x alt-art Spin Doctors (Art by Lenny)\n48x alt-art Mavirus (Art by Pi Cat)\n48x alt-art Deep Dive (Art by PreNic)\n48x alt-art Revolver (Art by PreNic)\n48x alt-art Sure Gamble (Art edit by PSK - Original art by Cassiu s Marcellus Coolidge)\n\n1 Keiko Plushie\nTicket Price\nWe really want to keep the event accessible to as many players as possible so the entrance f ee will be 15€. But to be honest it's unlikey to cover our costs for the additional prizes\, especially the exclusive alt art. So if you can affor d it\, an additional donation of 5 to 10€ would be much appreciated.\nVe nue Information\nThe venue can be accessed via the L4 line departing from Basso Cambo at the stop "\;Place des Glières"\;. We can also orga nise carpooling\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to Toulouse City Grid for o ur District Championship !
\nVenue : Salle Gironis\, 80 chemin du Chapitre\, 31100 Toulouse\nThe venue is in a park : You can find the entrance to the park here : Maps link\nThe venue itself : Maps link
\nDat e and times : We have the venue from Saturday the 22nd at 10:00 u ntil Sunday the 23rd of mars 23:30
\nRegistration starts : 10:30\nRegistration finishes : 11:00\nRou nd 1 starts : 11:10
\nFormat\nThe event wi ll be held in SST with a top cut\, the exact number of rounds is still TBD \nThe event will use the Standard Format on the active banlist (currently 24.12).
\nOur venue has a capac ity for 30 people and we will have access to it for 2 days
\nSaturda y there will be 6 rounds of SSS\, and on Suday there will be a top cut dou ble eliminiation with 4 people.\nThere will alse be a startup side event o n Sunday.
\nKeep in mind that if you need help with lodging\, we may be able to find a couch for you to crash on. Anyway\, just get in touch w ith us if you need anything.
\nPrizing\nPrizing wil l include the 2025 District Championship prize kit.\nAs well as an exclusi ve alt art or Orbital Superiority designed by the wonderful Brindelmold. O ne side will have english text and the other side will have french text
\nWe also have a Bundle that includes :
\n1 Keiko Plushie
\nTicket Price\nWe really want to keep the event accessible to as many players as possible so the entrance f ee will be 15€. But to be honest it's unlikey to cover our costs for the additional prizes\, especially the exclusive alt art. So if you can affor d it\, an additional donation of 5 to 10€ would be much appreciated.
\nVenue Information\nThe venue can be accessed via the L4 line departing from Basso Cambo at the stop "\;Place des Glières& quot\;. We can also organise carpooling