BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4662alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20250330T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Sydney:20250330T235900 URL: hip-2025 LOCATION:17\, 99 Jones Street Corner of Macarthur and Jones\, Ultimo NSW 20 07\, Australia SUMMARY:Gadigal District Championship 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us for the 2025 Gadigal District Championship\, held at Be hold Games in Ultimo on Sunday 30th March! \nPlease Buy Your Ticket H ere\nFormat\nThere will be 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss\, followed by a cut to Top 4 Single Elimination. We will be playing in the Standard format on the active banlist as of the day of the tournament.\nTiming\nDoors wil l open for Registration at 9am\, with Round 1 beginning at 9:30am. I know this is an early start\, but we have a lot of Netrunner to play and we onl y have the space until 6pm at the latest\, so will be aiming to have every thing happening as per schedule. Please let iamtom know on discord if you are running late. There will be a lunch break around Midday\, and an after noon break at the end of Swiss.\nPrice\nEntry for this event is $20\, plea se ensure you buy tickets on Eventbrite. Due to timing and space restricti ons\, there are only 24 tickets available\, so please purchase yours early to avoid missing out. If purchasing a ticket at this price is not feasibl e due to personal circumstances\, feel free to reach out to iamtom on disc ord (if you feel comfortable doing so).\nPlayer Expectations\nThis is a co mpetitive-level event\, and as such has stricter expectations on competito rs. The main things to note are:\n\nProxies are legal (at all levels of pl ay)\, but please ensure that your proxies are legible (handwritten proxies are not allowed).\nPrinted decklists are mandatory (ordered by Type and t hen Alphabetical). There will be printed templates available to handwrite your decklist if needed.\nAlt Arts must adhere to Appendix III of the NSG Organised Play Policy. If you are unsure if your alt arts adhere\, please check with the TO prior to the tournament (and bring the original card as a back up).\nFor more information on Player Expectations see https://nulls\n\nVenue Information\nBeho ld Games is home to Sydney Netrunner’s fortnightly Wednesday sessions. T he store is very LGBTQIA+ friendly and has a wide range of Boardgames\, RP Gs\, Card Games\, Dice and other gaming accessories on offer\, as well as great selection of snacks! The store is at C17/99 Jones Street Ultimo\, for more information on how to get there (including parking)\, please vis it\nPrizing\nSee below f or the 2025 Districts Prize Kit.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Please Buy Your Ticket Here< /a>
\nThere will be 6 rounds of Single Sided Swiss\ , followed by a cut to Top 4 Single Elimination. We will be playing in the Standard format on the active banlist as of the day of the tournament.
\nDoors will open for Registration at 9am\, with Roun d 1 beginning at 9:30am. I know this is an early start\, but we have a lot of Netrunner to play and we only have the space until 6pm at the latest\, so will be aiming to have everything happening as per schedule. Please le t iamtom know on discord if you are running late. There will be a lunch br eak around Midday\, and an afternoon break at the end of Swiss.
\nEntry for this event is $20\, please ensure you buy tickets on Eventbrite. Due to timing and space restrictions\, there are only 24 tickets available\, so please p urchase yours early to avoid missing out. If purchasing a ticket at this p rice is not feasible due to personal circumstances\, feel free to reach ou t to iamtom on discord (if you feel comfortable doing so).
\nThis is a competitive-level event\, and as such has stricter expectations on competitors. The main things to note are:
\n< ul>\nBehold Games is home to Sydney Netrunner’s fortnightly Wednesda y sessions. The store is very LGBTQIA+ friendly and has a wide range of Bo ardgames\, RPGs\, Card Games\, Dice and other gaming accessories on offer\ , as well as great selection of snacks! The store is at C17/99 Jones St reet Ultimo\, for more information on how to get there (including parking) \, please visit
\nSee below for the 2025 Districts Prize Kit.