BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:466alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20170408T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20170408T235900 URL: LOCATION:32 Central Rd\, Leeds LS1 6DE\, UK SUMMARY:BABW - Leeds CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nTravelling Man Leeds are hosting a qualifier for the Android Netrunner BABW final. We have a Q1 prize kit from FFG which we will be usi ng for this event as well.\nThe format will be a number of swiss rounds ba sed on the number of players followed by a cut to the top 4/8. As per the BABW rules\, intentional draws will not be allowed at this event. More inf o on BABW can be found here:\nPrizes\n\nWinner: Set of a crylic NBN tokens\, alt art Sunny Lebeau card\, BABW qualification\n2nd pl ace: Set of acrylic NBN tokens\, alt art Sunny Lebeau card.\nTop 16: Alt a rt Mushin No Shin\n\nDate: Saturday 8th April 2017\nTime: Doors open: 10:3 0am\, Round 1 start: 11am\nLocation: Travelling Man OPS\, 107 Kirkgate\, L eeds\, LS1 6DP\nEntry: £10\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Travelling Man Leeds are hosting a qualifier for the Android Netrunner BABW final. We have a Q1 prize kit from FFG which w e will be using for this event as well.


The format will be a numbe r of swiss rounds based on the number of players followed by a cut to the top 4/8. As per the BABW rules\, intentional draws will not be allowed at this event. More info on BABW can be found here:




Date: Saturday 8th April 2017\nTime: Doors open: 10:30am\, Ro und 1 start: 11am\nLocation: Travelling Man OPS\, 107 Kir kgate\, Leeds\, LS1 6DP\nEntry: £10