BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4659alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250222T104500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250222T235900 URL: red-edition LOCATION:5105 Leary Ave NW\, Seattle\, WA 98107\, USA SUMMARY:🔥 ECG - 2025 LOCKDOWN Remastered Edition CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:🔥 LOCKDOWN REMASTERED IS BACK! 🎉\n\n\nPRIZES:\n🔥Dragon Corp IDs\n\n🔥EXTRACT\n\n🔥ANGELIQUE\n\n🔥BALISTA\n\n🔥STAVKA\n\n \n"\;Lockdown"\; restricts players' options for which IDs they may choose by utilizing a point system. In "\;Lockdown Remastered"\;\ , players will also now have to brew decks under similar restrictions limi ting their options to slot some of the best non-ID cards in the format.\nT HE POINT SYSTEM\n🛑 the following image is a breakdown of what a (playse t of a) card costs in points 🛑\n\nWe've all seen which cards are proven to be competitive winners. NOW MAKE WAY\, because it's time to see some o thers in action! Details:\n\nStandard format/cardpool\, but cards that are worth points must be purchased. Standard Ban List 24.12 IS in effect (unl ess otherwise listed above 🤪* - if a banned card is listed\, you may pu rchase it for that many points)*. If a STANDARD-LEGAL card is unlisted\, i t's just worth 0 (or\, free)\n\nYou have 15 points that you'll use to buil d your runner and your corp. Both deck's points are added together\, and t he total must be at or below 15. You may spend any/all/none of your points on one side\, and the remaining on the other. You may also choose to spen d fewer points than your allotment\, and doing so will give you 1) braggin g rights 😉 and 2) the advantage in tiebreakers (before looking at SoS) (1st tie breaker will be who spent fewer points on IDs. 2nd tie breaker wi ll be if players have unspent points)\n\nIf you choose to play Nova and/or Ampere\, you get +5 points to spend on that deck (clarifications: you sti ll can't spend >\;15pts on the other side even if you spend 0 on the neu tral deck. If you play both Nova AND Ampere\, you get 25 points total\, an d you would spend maximum 20 on one deck\, and the remaining - also up to 20 if you have it remaining - points on the other)\n\n\nANY QUESTIONS? PLE ASE DM ME ON DISCORD (colinrs90)! I'LL HAPPILY PROVIDE AN ANSWER AND POST IT HERE IF NEEDED.\nDisclaimer: The point system is determined by me\, my opinions\, feelings\, and goals. 😜 My decisions were primarily made bas ed on universal inclusion\, mean "\;value"\;\, general field poten cy\, diversity\, and "\;if these cards are restricted\, then these car ds could be a problem."\;\n\nThe usual tournament details\, etc:\n\nTo urnament will be organized and ran through\nP articipation is $5\, and comes with cool prizes (including foils for top p lacements 🤩*)*\nWe will do Double-Sided Swiss\nLunch break estimated to be at 1:15 (after R2)\nAfter the first round\, we’ll do a deck list ver ification (TBA at event)\n\nnumber of rounds is dependent on attendance\, but planning on 4-5\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
🔥Dragon Corp IDs\n\n🔥EXTRACT\n
🛑 the follow ing image is a breakdown of what a (playset of a) card costs in points 🛑
\nWe've all seen which cards are proven to be competitive winners. NOW MAKE WAY\, because it's time to see some others in action! Details: p>\n
\nDisclaimer: The point system is determined by me\, my opinions\, feelings\, and goals. 😜 My decisio ns were primarily made based on universal inclusion\, mean "\;value&qu ot\;\, general field potency\, diversity\, and "\;if these cards are r estricted\, then these cards could be a problem."\;