BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4657alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250322T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250322T235900 URL: nship LOCATION:181 Roundhouse Mews\, Vancouver\, BC V6Z 2W3\, Canada SUMMARY:Vancouver District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the first ever Vancouver District Championship event !\nWe will be located in the Multimedia Room of the Roundhouse Community A rts &\; Recreation Centre. This is upstairs\, and any staff will be hap py to guide you in the correct direction.\nEntry fee is still TBA. Tickets will be purchased online\, and there will be a limit of 28 spots availabl e\nFormat will be Single Sided Swiss. Rounds and top cut will be based on attendance\, and focused on being able to finish all rounds and top cut in a single day. Our hard cut off for the event ending is 4:30pm\, and if ne cessary we will implement a single elimination top cut to achieve this.\nN ote: A District Championship is a competitive tier event\, and as such\, d ecklists are required to enter\, and alt arts must follow the guidelines f ound in Appendix III of the OP Policies\nWhile this is a competitive event \, newer players are very welcome.\nNote: we are still discussing if this will be the Vancouver NANPC event. Stay tuned!\nFor more local information and announcements\, join the Vancouver Discord Server\, and message me\; my username is Sindarin.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to the first ever Vancouver Distric t Championship event!
\nWe will be located in the Multimedia Room of the Roundhouse Community Arts &\; Recreation Centre. This is upstairs\, and any staff will be happy to guide you in the correct direction.
\nEntry fee is still TBA. Tickets will be purchased onli ne\, and there will be a limit of 28 spots available
\nFormat will b e Single Sided Swiss. Rounds and top cut will be based on attendance\, and focused on being able to finish all rounds and top cut in a single day. O ur hard cut off for the event ending is 4:30pm\, and if necessary we will implement a single elimination top cut to achieve this.
\nNote: A Di strict Championship is a competitive tier event\, and as such\, decklists are required to enter\, and alt arts must follow the guidelines found in < a href=\" icies%202024.09%20-%20Standard.pdf\">Appendix III of the OP Policies p>\n
While this is a competitive event\, newer players are very welcome.
\nNote: we are still discussing if this will be the Vancouver NANPC event. Stay tuned!
\nFor more local information and announcements\, join the Vancouver Discord Serv er\, and message me\; my username is Sindarin.