BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4655alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250215T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250215T235900 URL: ionships LOCATION:2008 Co Rd E East\, White Bear Lake\, MN 55110\, USA SUMMARY:Twin Cities District Championships CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come over to White Bear Lake for the Twin Cities District Champ ionships at The Battleground Cafe!\nCobra: https://tournaments.nullsignal. games/tournaments/3778\nEntry Fee: $10 to the store\nThis is a competitive tier event\, if players need proxies\, contact Stwyde on discord in advan ce and I can print proxies prior to the event. Day of\, I'll have blank ca rds I can draw proxies on for the purposes of playing. We will be using th e latest organized play policy guidance on alt art legality\, as well as h aving a single elimination top cut in line with the updated OPP.\nAs a com petitive tier event\, decklists will be mandatory\, and players can either bring a physical copy of their decklist to the event\, or register with d ecklists on cobra. Cobra link coming soon(tm).\nWhile I am limited in how many players will get prizing from the district prize kit\, every player w ill get at least two prizes for participation. Tentatively those will be a playset of Buzzsaw by nin419\, and an acrylic ID (various options!). Addi tionally\, if those run out\, GNK prizing as well as foil Tomorrows Headli nes by Stwyde (see the Run Together path for reference) will be available. \nFor players requiring any accommodations or oracle-ing please reach out to Stwyde when possible so that I can guarantee accommodations in advance. \nWhile we don't have a planned lunch break / meal break\, BGC offers food (pizza / sandwiches) and drink (coffee\, shakes\, soda\, etc). We will re alistically have a break between swiss rounds and the top cut while I do d eck checks.\nWE WILL BE USING THE LATEST STANDARD BAN LIST FOR THIS EVENT. CURRENTLY THAT IS 24.12.\nLuminal\, Trick Shot\, and R+ are all banned in this ban list (alongside all prior banned cards).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come over to White Bear Lake for the Twin C ities District Championships at The Battleground Cafe!


Cobra: http s://


Entry Fee: $10 t o the store


This is a competitive tier event\, if players need pro xies\, contact Stwyde on discord in advance and I can print proxies prior to the event. Day of\, I'll have blank cards I can draw proxies on for the purposes of playing. We will be using the latest organized play policy gu idance on alt art legality\, as well as having a single elimination top cu t in line with the updated OPP.


As a competitive tier event\, deck lists will be mandatory\, and players can either bring a physical copy of their decklist to the event\, or register with decklists on cobra. Cobra l ink coming soon(tm).


While I am limited in how many players will g et prizing from the district prize kit\, every player will get at least tw o prizes for participation. Tentatively those will be a playset of Buzzsaw by nin419\, and an acrylic ID (various options!). Additionally\, if those run out\, GNK prizing as well as foil Tomorrows Headlines by Stwyde (see the Run Together path for reference) will be available.


For player s requiring any accommodations or oracle-ing please reach out to Stwyde wh en possible so that I can guarantee accommodations in advance.


Whi le we don't have a planned lunch break / meal break\, BGC offers food (piz za / sandwiches) and drink (coffee\, shakes\, soda\, etc). We will realist ically have a break between swiss rounds and the top cut while I do deck c hecks.




Luminal\, Trick Shot\, and R+ are all banned in this ban list (alongside all prior banned cards).