BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:465alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170311T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20170311T235900 URL: mpionship LOCATION:co/ Västerås Äventyrssällskap\, Tallmätargatan 3B\, 721 34 V ästerås\, Sweden SUMMARY:Android Netrunner Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Registrering: 11.00-11.15\, med start av event 11.30\nKostnad: 120kr/person (100kr för medlemmar i Väs)\nPlatser: 32\nKort är restrikt ade enligt MWL (tom Daedalus complex\, mer info här: https://images-cdn.f c5c/adn_tournament_regulations_v20_text_version.pdf).\nVanliga turneringsr egler gäller.\nPriser enligt följande:\nFirst Place - The winner will re ceive a color printed plaque and a first round bye (100% confirmed) to a 2 017 Android: Netrunner Regional Championship of their choice!\nTop 2 - The top two players will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used with the card "\;Femme Fatale"\;.\nTop 4 - The top four players will e ach receive a playmat depicting some Anarchs ready to run amok.\nTop 8 - T he top eight players will each receive a deckbox to hold your assets and h ardware in.\nTop 32 - The top thirty-two players will each receive a copy of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an easy\, hands-off investm ent that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Registrering: 11.00-11.15\, med start av ev ent 11.30


Kostnad: 120kr/person (100kr för medlemmar i Väs)

\ n

Platser: 32


Kort är restriktade enligt MWL (tom Daedalus comp lex\, mer info här: c/19/87/19876f7f-581c-4d74-a4b4-4db7301e4c5c/adn_tournament_regulations_v2 0_text_version.pdf).


Vanliga turneringsregler gäller.


Pri ser enligt följande:\nFirst Place - The winner will receive a color print ed plaque and a first round bye (100% confirmed) to a 2017 Android: Netrun ner Regional Championship of their choice!


Top 2 - The top two pla yers will each receive a printed acrylic token to be used with the card &q uot\;Femme Fatale"\;.


Top 4 - The top four players will each r eceive a playmat depicting some Anarchs ready to run amok.


Top 8 - The top eight players will each receive a deckbox to hold your assets and hardware in.


Top 32 - The top thirty-two players will each receiv e a copy of the alternate art card “Pad Campaign” - an easy\, hands-of f investment that can pay for itself…If you can protect it.