BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4649alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20250308T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20250308T235900 URL: championship LOCATION:2438 W Anderson Ln. B1\, Austin\, TX 78757\, USA SUMMARY:Austin City Grid District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is part of the Texas District Circuit - there will be Dist rict Champs in Houston and Dallas in April!\nThe venue has capped us at 20 players\, which I take as a challenge! Please click "\;Going"\; t o claim your spot.\nWe have Texas-only prizing for these Championships!\nF or participating in any Texas District Championship this year (Austin\, Da llas\, or Houston)\, you will receive a playset of FLOWER SERMON done blue bonnet style by the talented Claire Rio!\nFor participating in the Austin event (this one)\, our hometown hero Jonkey Bong whipped us up something s pecial - everyone's favorite Doof-killer YOUR DIGITAL LIFE\, interpreting the classic Neuromancer book cover in true Austinite fashion.\nBut we're n ot done! We have an exclusive prize for those who make the cut at any Texa s District Championship\, a harrowing take on the Ob staple EXTRACT\, by o ur very own famewolf!\nWhat about Dallas and Houston? You'll have to go ch eck out their ABR pages!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This is part of the Texas District Circuit - there will be District Champs in Houston and Dallas in April!
\nTh e venue has capped us at 20 players\, which I take as a challenge! Please click "\;Going"\; to claim your spot.
\nWe have Texa s-only prizing for these Championships!
\nFor participating in any Texas District Championship this year (Austin\, Dallas\, or Housto n)\, you will receive a playset of FLOWER SERMON done bluebonnet style by the talented Claire Rio!
\nFor participating in the Austin event (th is one)\, our hometown hero Jonkey Bong whipped us up something special - everyone's favorite Doof-killer YOUR DIGITAL LIFE\, interpreting the class ic Neuromancer book cover in true Austinite fashion.
\nBut we're not done! We have an exclusive prize for those who make the cut at any Texas District Championship\, a harrowing take on the Ob staple EXTRACT\, by our very own famewolf!
\nWhat about Dallas and Houston? You'll have to go check out their ABR pages!