BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4644alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Rome:20250315T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Rome:20250315T235900 URL: ionship SUMMARY:Milano 2025 District Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us in Milano for the second italian 2025 Netrunner Distric t Championship tournament! The winner will receive a bye at one 2025 Megac ity Championship and an invitation to the 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitationa l (CBI).\nThe tournament will be followed by a dinner\, if you would like to join please fill the following form\nFor non-italian speakers who would like to join for dinner too\, please reach out the TO cros on discord.\nT ournament structure will be six rounds of single sided Swiss followed by a top4 cut.\nRegistration starts at 10:00\, and the tournament starts at 10 :30\nEntry fee 10€\nPrizing will consist of the 2025 District Championsh ip kit\, as well as some special prizes provided by the TO\nThe format for the event will be the NSG Standard format. Decklists will be required (di gital decklist only).\nFor any additional information please reach out to the tournament organizer.\nHope to see you there\, and Always Be Running!\ n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Join us in Milano for the second italian 20 25 Netrunner District Championship tournament! The winner will receive a b ye at one 2025 Megacity Championship and an invitation to the 2026 Circuit Breaker Invitational (CBI).
\nThe tournament will be followed by a dinner\, if you would like to join please fill the follow ing form\nFor non-italian speakers who would like to join for dinner too\, please reach out the TO cros on discord.
\nTournam ent structure will be six rounds of single sided Swiss followed by a top4 cut.
\nRegistration starts at 10:00\, and the tournament starts at 1 0:30
\nEntry fee 10€
\nPrizing will consist of the 2025 Dist rict Championship kit\, as well as some special prizes provided by the TO< /p>\n
The format for the event will be the NSG Standard format. Decklist s will be required (digital decklist only).
\nFor any additional inf ormation please reach out to the tournament organizer.
\nHope to see you there\, and Always Be Running!