BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4636alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250111T153000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20250111T235900 URL: k LOCATION:88 W Pender St Unit 1069\, Vancouver\, BC V6B 6N9\, Canada SUMMARY:Rain City Games January GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us for our first GNK of the new year.\nFormat: Standard\nE ntry: $15 (pay to Rain City Games at their register)\nRounds: 3 or 4 round s of Double Sided Swiss\nIMPORTANT NOTE: this is a very casual tournament. If you're new or newer to the game\, you're more than welcome to attend. I will pair newer players against each other\, or be happy to do more Lear ning games with you\nIf you need to borrow decks\, please let me know\, I have many to spare.\nI will have a bunch of extra prizes for new players\, including cards\, playmats\, and dice\nFor more information\, join the Va ncouver Discord Server\, and message me\; my username is Sindarin.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us for our first GNK of the new year.< /p>\n

Format: Standard\nEntry: $15 (pay to Rain City Games at their regi ster)\nRounds: 3 or 4 rounds of Double Sided Swiss


IMPORTA NT NOTE: this is a very casual tournament. If you're new or newer to the game\, you're more than welcome to attend. I will pair newer playe rs against each other\, or be happy to do more Learning games with you


If you need to borrow decks\, please let me know\, I have many to spa re.


I will have a bunch of extra prizes for new players\, includin g cards\, playmats\, and dice


For more information\, join the Vancouver Discord Server\, and mess age me\; my username is Sindarin.