BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4634alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250222T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250222T235900 URL: -district-championship LOCATION:2-6 Hopetoun St\, Bathgate EH48 4EU\, UK SUMMARY:Scotland Regional (Bathgate District Championship) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nUK Regionals: Scotland (Bathgate District Championship)\nVenu e: Knightly Gaming\nRegistration: 10:00am\nRound 1 start: 11:00am\nTicket cost: £20 Buy here\nWhat are UK Regionals?\nThe UK Regionals are a series of community-run tournaments throughout the UK\, run by local TOs and Jud ges. We aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together through local\, c ompetitive events!\n\nThis year\, the UK Regionals will be split across tw o quarters\, the Q1 events will be held at:\n\n\nShepherd's Bush (London) on 08/02/2025\n\nBathgate (Scotland) on 22/02/2025\n\nReading (South East England) on 08/03/2025\n\n\nNottingham (The Midlands) on 15/03/2025\n\nShe ffield (Northern England) on 22/03/2025\n\nIn Q2\, we hope to organise eve nts in East Anglia\, North West England\, South West England\, and on the South Coast. Details for these will be announced later in Q1.\nFormat\nThe event will be held as 7 rounds of Single Sided Swiss with a cut to Top 8 Single Elimination. The event will use the Standard Format on the active b anlist (currently 24.12). Round 1 will start at 11am. Lunch will be after round 3 and will finish at 2:40pm.\nPrizing\nPrizing for each regional wil l include the 2025 District Championship prize kit.\n\nAs well as addition al prizing organised for the regionals series.\n\n\nWinner: Bye for any 20 25 Megacity Championship\, an invitation to the 2025 Circuit Breaker Invit ational Championship.\n\nTop 4: Regenesis playmat (illustrated by Anthony Hutchings)\n\nTop 8: SDS Drone Deployment double-sided alt art (illustrate d by Júlio Rocha)\n\nTop 24: Spin Doctor alt art (Illustrated by Oliver M orit)\n\nTO's Discretion (6 playsets): Simulchip Alt art (Illustrated by K ira L. Nguyen)\n\nParticipation: A playset (3x copies) of a unique regiona ls alt art.\nWe have also commissioned additional alt art exclusively for this event which will we announce closer to the date.\n\nTicket Price\nEnt ry for this event\, and all events in the regionals tournament series\, wi ll be £20. Tickets are available here. If you are experiencing financial hardship please contact us. The initial event cap is 40\, so please book a head to make sure you're able to play! We may release a handful of additio nal tickets later.\nVenue Information &\; Accessibility\nKnightly Gamin g is a 10 minute walk away from Bathgate station. The event will be hosted on the first floor of the venue and is disabled accessible\, there is a g ender neutral bathroom on this floor. We will have fixed seating for anyo ne who needs it. We may have a dedicated streaming area with a featured ta ble\, if we do this will be up a flight of stairs.\nNo outside food and dr inks are allowed into the venue\, they offer a fixed lunch for £7.50 per person\, with gluten free and vegetarian options available. If you plan to have lunch at the venue please contact us in advance with your order so w e can avoid the café being overwhelmed during the lunch break.\nContact\n If there's anything we haven't covered\, or you'd like to find out more\, get in touch! The main contact for The Scottish Regionals is:\nRoseKolodny on relevant Netrunner discords or email\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



UK Regionals: Scotland (Bathgate District Championship)


Venue: Knightly Gaming\nRegistration: 10:0 0am\nRound 1 start: 11:00am\nTicket cost: £20 Buy here


< strong>What are UK Regionals?\nThe UK Regionals are a series of c ommunity-run tournaments throughout the UK\, run by local TOs and Judges. We aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together through local\, compet itive events!




This y ear\, the UK Regionals will be split across two quarters\, the Q1 events w ill be held at:

\n\n< p>In Q2\, we hope to organise events in East Anglia\, North West England\, South West England\, and on the South Coast. Details for these will be an nounced later in Q1.


Format\nThe event will be he ld as 7 rounds of Single Sided Swiss with a cut to Top 8 Single Eliminatio n. The event will use the Standard Format on the active banlist (currently 24.12). Round 1 will start at 11am. Lunch will be after round 3 and will finish at 2:40pm.


Prizing\nPrizing for each regio nal will include the 2025 District Championship prize kit.\n\"prize-banner\"\nAs well as additional prizi ng organised for the regionals series.


Ticket Price\nEntry for this eve nt\, and all events in the regionals tournament series\, will be £20. Tic kets are available here. If you are experiencing financial hardship please contact us. The initial event cap is 40\, so please book ahead to make sure you're able to play! W e may release a handful of additional tickets later.


Venue Information &\; Accessibility\nKnightly Gaming is a 10 minute walk away from Bathgate station. The event will be hosted on the first fl oor of the venue and is disabled accessible\, there is a gender neutral ba throom on this floor. We will have fixed seating for anyone who needs it. We may have a dedicated streaming area with a featured table\, if we do t his will be up a flight of stairs.


No outside food and drinks are allowed into the venue\, they offer a fixed lunch for £7.50 per person\, with gluten free and vegetarian options available. If you plan to have lun ch at the venue please contact us in advance with your order so we can avo id the café being overwhelmed during the lunch break.


Con tact\nIf there's anything we haven't covered\, or you'd like to f ind out more\, get in touch! The main contact for The Scottish Regionals i s:\nRoseKolodny on relevant Netrunner discords or email rosekolodny84@gmai