BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4633alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250125T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250125T235900 URL: al-tournament- LOCATION:1158 Broadway\, Seattle\, WA 98122\, USA SUMMARY:Fire and Fealty v0 Inaugural Tournament! 🔥🙇 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to my first ever tournament! 🥳\nOver the past 5 mont hs\, I've spent approximately 150+ hours working on my own custom set Fire and Fealty!\n\nThe set contains:\n- 30 base cards\, 1 bonus card\, and 4 additional cards not available through deck-building.\n- Each faction has a new ID (two of which are flippable) along with 3 other cards\, plus 1 ne utral card for each side.\n- A card with the text “when you are flatline d”.\n- 1 new Deep Net card.\n- A new political card.\n- A new 3.0 card.\ n- Crim draw.\n- A limit 6 per deck console\n- One new AI Icebreaker.\nThe following Google Drive contains the most up to date print and plays! Plus additional set info\, including my AI Art Overview explaining my thoughts /reasoning for using it.\nFormat\nThe tournament will be played using my n ew custom format Standard+ (NSG Standard + Fire &\; Fealty)\nTournament Structure\nMy plan is to run 6 rounds of single sided swiss.\nIf there ar e enough players ~12+ we will have a single elim top 4 cut!\nNote: decklis ts are not required. However\, if we do have a cut\, it will be semi-open list\, where players will have 5 minutes to look through their opponent's physical deck before the game (for the first round this will happen before sides are chosen)\nCards\nAnyone who RSVP’ed to the initial print order will be guaranteed a v0 pack of Fire and Fealty on the day.\nThere are a few additional packs to be given out as first come first serve.\nFor anyon e else I recommend using the print and play to proxy. If that is a barrier for anyone\, lmk in advance and I can print out print and play proxies fo r you.\nCost\nRecommended $10. Although\, happy to wave the cost if its a barrier.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Welcome to my first ever tournament! 🥳< /h2>\n

Over the past 5 months\, I've spent approximately 150+ hours work ing on my own custom set Fire and Fealty!




The set co ntains:\n- 30 base cards\, 1 bonus card\, and 4 additional cards not avail able through deck-building.\n- Each faction has a new ID (two of which are flippable) along with 3 other cards\, plus 1 neutral card for each side.\ n- A card with the text “when you are flatlined”.\n- 1 new Deep Net ca rd.\n- A new political card.\n- A new 3.0 card.\n- Crim draw.\n- A limit 6 per deck console\n- One new AI Icebreaker.


The following Google Drive contains the most up to date print and pla ys! Plus additional set info\, including my AI Art Overview explaining my thoughts/reasoning for using it.


Form at


The tournament will be played using my new custom format Standard+ (NSG Standard + Fire &\; Fealty)


Tournam ent Structure


My plan is to run 6 rounds of single sided swiss.\n

If there are enough players ~12+ we will have a single elim top 4 c ut!


Note: decklists are not required. However\, if we do have a cu t\, it will be semi-open list\, where players will have 5 minutes to look through their opponent's physical deck before the game (for the first roun d this will happen before sides are chosen)




Anyone who RSVP’ed to the initial print order will be guaranteed a v0 pack of Fire and Fealty on the day.


There are a few additional packs to be given out as first come first serve.


For anyone else I recommend using the print and play to proxy. If that is a barrier for anyone\, lmk i n advance and I can print out print and play proxies for you.


Cos t


Recommended $10. Although\, happy to wave the cost if its a bar rier.