BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4633alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250125T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250125T235900 URL: al-tournament- LOCATION:1158 Broadway\, Seattle\, WA 98122\, USA SUMMARY:Fire and Fealty v0 Inaugural Tournament! 🔥🙇 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to my first ever tournament! 🥳\nOver the past 5 mont hs\, I've spent approximately 150+ hours working on my own custom set Fire and Fealty!\n\nThe set contains:\n- 30 base cards\, 1 bonus card\, and 4 additional cards not available through deck-building.\n- Each faction has a new ID (two of which are flippable) along with 3 other cards\, plus 1 ne utral card for each side.\n- A card with the text “when you are flatline d”.\n- 1 new Deep Net card.\n- A new political card.\n- A new 3.0 card.\ n- Crim draw.\n- A limit 6 per deck console\n- One new AI Icebreaker.\nThe following Google Drive contains the most up to date print and plays! Plus additional set info\, including my AI Art Overview explaining my thoughts /reasoning for using it.\nFormat\nThe tournament will be played using my n ew custom format Standard+ (NSG Standard + Fire &\; Fealty)\nTournament Structure\nMy plan is to run 6 rounds of single sided swiss.\nIf there ar e enough players ~12+ we will have a single elim top 4 cut!\nNote: decklis ts are not required. However\, if we do have a cut\, it will be semi-open list\, where players will have 5 minutes to look through their opponent's physical deck before the game (for the first round this will happen before sides are chosen)\nResults:\n\nPalana Foods ->\; Takamanohara: Shaping Reality\nArgus ->\; Weyland Consortium: Building the Bedrock\nHaarpsicho rd ->\; NBN: Curated Content\nCerebral Imaging ->\; Ali-ción Labs: Ef ficiency’s Finest\nKate ->\; Katelin: Perfected Design\nGeist ->\; D ave: Demolitions Expert/Dave: New Angeles Most Wanted\nEdward Kim ->\; A jax: Rebel Initiate/Ajax: Anarchist Extreme\n\nCards\nAnyone who RSVP’ed to the initial print order will be guaranteed a v0 pack of Fire and Fealt y on the day.\nThere are a few additional packs to be given out as first c ome first serve.\nFor anyone else I recommend using the print and play to proxy. If that is a barrier for anyone\, lmk in advance and I can print ou t print and play proxies for you.\nCost\nRecommended $10. Although\, happy to wave the cost if its a barrier.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Over the past 5 months\, I've spent approximately 150+ hours work ing on my own custom set Fire and Fealty!
\nThe set co ntains:\n- 30 base cards\, 1 bonus card\, and 4 additional cards not avail able through deck-building.\n- Each faction has a new ID (two of which are flippable) along with 3 other cards\, plus 1 neutral card for each side.\ n- A card with the text “when you are flatlined”.\n- 1 new Deep Net ca rd.\n- A new political card.\n- A new 3.0 card.\n- Crim draw.\n- A limit 6 per deck console\n- One new AI Icebreaker.
\nThe following Google Drive contains the most up to date print and pla ys! Plus additional set info\, including my AI Art Overview explaining my thoughts/reasoning for using it.
\nThe tournament will be played using my new custom format
My plan is to run 6 rounds of single sided swiss. p>\n
If there are enough players ~12+ we will have a single elim top 4 c ut!
\nNote: decklists are not required. However\, if we do have a cu t\, it will be semi-open list\, where players will have 5 minutes to look through their opponent's physical deck before the game (for the first roun d this will happen before sides are chosen)
\nAnyone who RSVP’ed to the initial print orde r will be guaranteed a v0 pack of Fire and Fealty on the day.
\nTher e are a few additional packs to be given out as first come first serve.
\nFor anyone else I recommend using the print and play to proxy. If th at is a barrier for anyone\, lmk in advance and I can print out print and play proxies for you.
\nRecommended $10. Although\, h appy to wave the cost if its a barrier.