BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4632alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250209T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250209T235900 URL: LOCATION:4707 Liberty Ave\, Pittsburgh\, PA 15224\, USA SUMMARY:Purge 2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Miss being able to ambush runners with Anansi on any server in Mti? Wondering what all the fuss was about with Kakugo grinder? Got a neve r-played Hired Help burning a hole in your pocket? Then this event is for you! Come to beautiful Pittsburgh and play all the last few banned FFG car ds before they rotate forever.\nThis format starts with the 24.12 standard banlist and card pool and makes the following changes:\n\nAll FFG cards a re unbanned.\nBankhar is banned. (To prevent CV+SVA from overrunning the f ormat.)\n\nIt is the same as Purge except for the Bankhar thing\, and we a re also unbanning all the currents. We got asked about this a lot during p lanning but we think it will be fine -- Scarcity is rotated anyway\, and w e're not too scared of what's left. Anyway\, feel free to start there for decklist research.\nIf you are somehow not already in our discord please c ontact me for an invite link.\nIn long form\, here are the unbanned cards. Currents are marked with (*).\nRunner:\nClan Vengeance\nCorporate "\; Grant"\; (*)\nCrowdfunding\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker\nKnobki erie\nLiza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator\nMars for Martians\nPAD T ap\nSalvaged Vanadis Armory\nSystem Seizure (*)\nWatch the World Burn\nCor p:\nArchived Memories\nBreached Dome\nDeath and Taxes (*)\nFormicary\nGame Changer\nHigh-profile Target\nHired Help\nKakugo\nKill Switch (*)\nMass C ommercialization\nMti Mwekundu: Life Improved\nObokata Protocol\nReconstru ction Contract\nRolling Brownout (*)\nShipment from Tennin\nSlot Machine\n SSL Endorsement\nTithonium\nWhampoa Reclamation\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Miss being able to ambush runners with Anan si on any server in Mti? Wondering what all the fuss was about with Kakugo grinder? Got a never-played Hired Help burning a hole in your pocket? The n this event is for you! Come to beautiful Pittsburgh and play all the las t few banned FFG cards before they rotate forever.
\nThis format sta rts with the 24.12 standard banlist and card pool and makes the following changes:
\nIt is the same as Purge except for the Bankhar thing\, and we are al so unbanning all the currents. We got asked about this a lot during planni ng but we think it will be fine -- Scarcity is rotated anyway\, and we're not too scared of what's left. Anyway\, feel free to start there for deckl ist research.
\nIf you are somehow not already in our discord please contact me for an invite link.
\nIn long form\, here are the unbann ed cards. Currents are marked with (*).
\nRunner: p>\n
Clan Vengeance\nCorporate "\;Grant"\; (*)\nCrowdfunding\nKa bonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker\nKnobkierie\nLiza Talking Thunder: Promin ent Legislator\nMars for Martians\nPAD Tap\nSalvaged Vanadis Armory\nSyste m Seizure (*)\nWatch the World Burn
\nArchived Memories\nBreached Dome\nDeath and Taxes (*)\nFormicary\nGame Ch anger\nHigh-profile Target\nHired Help\nKakugo\nKill Switch (*)\nMass Comm ercialization\nMti Mwekundu: Life Improved\nObokata Protocol\nReconstructi on Contract\nRolling Brownout (*)\nShipment from Tennin\nSlot Machine\nSSL Endorsement\nTithonium\nWhampoa Reclamation