BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:463alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Prague:20170826T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Prague:20170826T235900 URL: onship-2o17 LOCATION:Kotlářská 989/51a\, Veveří\, 602 00 Brno-Brno-střed\, Czechi a SUMMARY:Planeta Her Regional Championship 2o17 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:UPDATE! 2017-08-15\nThis event will be only at saturday. Kit wi th prizes for second day event was not delivered and it is lost in time an d space today. :-(\nOnly one day will be! Thank you for understanding...\n But...please register there:\n\nWHEN \nSaturday August 26th. Registration open from 10.00. Tournament start at 11.00.\nENTRY FEE\n15€ / 400 CZK for preregistered players ... 17€ / 4 50 CZK on site\nPRIZES\nWinner: a trophy and a card granting a bye to a na tional championship of their choice\nTop 4: a double-sided\, spot-glossed plastic card featuring Los and Jemison Astronautics\nTop 8: a Find The Tru th playmat\nTop 16: a set of acrylic credit tokens\nParticipation: an Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak alt art card\nLATEST DATAPACK ALLOWED\n\nFree M ars -\n\nDECKLISTS\nRequired\, can be sent to Put you r name in the title and be sure to mark out cards on MWL and influence cos ts (automatic on netrunnerdb if you chose the latest MWL under "\;lega lity"\;).\nRULES\nAll of the latest versions of FFG's rules documents\ , including NAPD Most Wanted List\, FAQ\, Tournament Regulations\, Floor R ules and UFAQ. Can be found here\, under "\;support"\;: https://ww\nTOU RNAMENT STRUCTURE\nSwiss and top cut according to FFG rules. Most likely f our rounds of swiss and top 4 cut.\nWelcome!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

UPDATE! 2017-08-15\nThis event will be only at saturday. Kit with prizes for second day event was not delivered and i t is lost in time and space today. :-(


Only one day will be! Thank you for understanding...


But...please register there:\nhttps://go


WHEN\nSaturday August 26th. Registrat ion open from 10.00. Tournament start at 11.00.


ENTRY FEE\n15€ / 400 CZK for preregistered players ... 17€ / 450 CZK on site


PRI ZES\nWinner: a trophy and a card granting a bye to a national championship of their choice\nTop 4: a double-sided\, spot-glossed plastic card featur ing Los and Jemison Astronautics\nTop 8: a Find The Truth playmat\nTop 16: a set of acrylic credit tokens\nParticipation: an Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak alt art card




DECKLISTS\nRequired\, can be sent to netrunner@twada .net. Put your name in the title and be sure to mark out cards on MWL and influence costs (automatic on netrunnerdb if you chose the latest MWL unde r "\;legality"\;).


RULES\nAll of the latest versions of FF G's rules documents\, including NAPD Most Wanted List\, FAQ\, Tournament R egulations\, Floor Rules and UFAQ. Can be found here\, under "\;suppor t"\;: -the-card-game/


TOURNAMENT STRUCTURE\nSwiss and top cut according to FFG rules. Most likely four rounds of swiss and top 4 cut.


Welc ome!