BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4629alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Manila:20250308T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Manila:20250308T235900 URL: pionship-2025 LOCATION:The Portal\, Mayflower St\, Greenfield District\, Mandaluyong\, Me tro Manila\, Philippines SUMMARY:Metro Manila District Championship 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us as we kick-off the biggest Netrunner event in the Phili ppines since Nationals in 2017!\nGet ready for a Thrilla in Manila! The ev ent will be a one day tournament.\nDate: 2025-03-08\, Saturday\nVenue: Whi msy Game Cafe\, The Portal\, Greenfield District\, Mandaluyong City\, Metr o Manila\n\nSchedule:\nRegistrati on at 10:00 AM\nRound 1 at 10:30 AM\n45 min lunch break after 3rd round at around 12:45 PM\nRound 4 resume at 1:30 PM\nRound 6 estimated end at 4 PM \nTop cut to proceed right after.\nFormat:\n\nSingle-Sided Swiss at least 6 rounds with a top 4 cut\nTop-4 double elimination (final format tentativ e player count)\n\nPricing\nRegistration fee will be 450 PHP. This include s a free drink at the cafe!\nOther Info\nAs a Competitive-tier event\, pla yers are expected to:\n\nProvide written/printed decklists (submission to be online via tournament software)\nhave their decks appropriately sleeved in Opaque Sleeves\nFollow NSG's competitive-tier guidelines\n\nJudges res erve the right to reject any alt arts they deem unsuitable for play.\nFor any unofficial alt arts you wish to use in your deck please present them t o a judge during deck registration. Players are responsible for replacing any cards deemed unsuitable for play.\nNo handwritten proxies will be perm itted. As much as possible\, please use colored paper proxy prints\, B& \;W proxies allowed but may be subject to quality check by judges/deck che ckers.\nPlease reach out to me (Discord: profwacko) if you intend to atten d -- especially if you are flying in! Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Join us as we kick-off the biggest Netrunne r event in the Philippines since Nationals in 2017!
\nGet ready for a Thrilla in Manila! The event will be a one day tournament.
\nDate: 2025-03-08\, Saturday\nVenue: Whimsy Game Cafe\, The Portal\, Greenfield District\, Mandaluyong City\, Metro Manila
\n /YKD6Xx9DKx9Xy5uq9
\nSchedule:\nRegistration at 10:00 AM\nRound 1 at 10:30 AM\n45 min lunch break after 3rd round at around 12:45 PM\nRound 4 resume at 1:30 PM\nRound 6 estimated end at 4 PM\nTop cut to proceed right after.
\nRegistration fee will be 450 PHP. This includes a free drink at the cafe!
\nAs a Competitive-tier event\, players are expected to:
\nJ udges reserve the right to reject any alt arts they deem unsuitable for pl ay.
\nFor any unofficial alt arts you wish to use in your deck pleas e present them to a judge during deck registration. Players are responsibl e for replacing any cards deemed unsuitable for play.
\nNo handwritt en proxies will be permitted. As much as possible\, please use colored pap er proxy prints\, B&\;W proxies allowed but may be subject to quality c heck by judges/deck checkers.
\nPlease reach out to me (Discord: pro fwacko) if you intend to attend -- especially if you are flying in! Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions.