BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4626alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Hong_Kong:20250330T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Hong_Kong:20250330T235900 URL: nship-2025-hk LOCATION:Room 601\, 6/F\, Java Road 108 Commercial Centre\, Java Rd\, North Point\, Hong Kong SUMMARY:Netrunner District Championship 2025 HK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:(for English please scroll down)\n日期:30/3/2025\n時間: 15:00-21:00\n   Swiss Round 1500-1800\n   Single Elimination R ound 1900-2100\n地點: Card buddies (北角渣華道108號601-02室)\n 費用:港幣100元正\n賽制︰標準賽制\n限卡表︰Standard Ban List 24.12\n規則:\n\n根據 NSG 最新公佈 Tournament Regulation\, R ule\, &\; FAQ\n是次 比賽需要根據 最新限卡表。\n每位玩 家均需預備 runner 和 corporation 咭組各一副參賽,並且所 有咭牌必需來自 Android: Netrunner the card game /NSG Netrunner/ 主 辦單位認可之卡牌。\n玩家請以背部不透光的咭套入好咭 組。\n玩家可以自行彩色列印代理咭。玩家必需在提交的 decklist 注明代理咭的總類和數量. 請於比賽半小時前\, 將牌組給予主辦方核實牌組卡牌及檢查卡牌的狀況\,例如 有否 標記等等\, 檢查無誤方可開始比賽。\n\n人數:16人\ n截止:1/3/2025\n報名: 1. 於 報名。\n各參 賽者需於 29/3/2025 23:59:59 或之前提交 deck list,比賽途中 不得更改咭組內容。\n主辦:Card Game Paradise\n備註:Card Ga me Paradise 保留一切比賽內容與規則詮譯的權利,所有細 則的刪除或更改將不會事先作出通知。\n\nDate: 30/3/2025\nTi me: Swiss Round 1500-1800\, Single Elimination Round 1900-2100\nAddress : Card Buddies room 601-02\, Flat 6\, 108JAVA ROAD\, NORTH POINT\, Hong Kong \nFee:HKD100. 00\nFormat:Standard\nMWL: Standard Ban List 24.12\n\nAccor ding to the latest NSG Tournament Regulation\, Rule\, &\; FAQ\nThis Dis trict championship will follow the Latest Most Wanted List。\nEach player shall prepare both the runner and corporation decks\, and all cards must be only available in the Android: Netrunner/ NSG Netrunner set/ proxy card which allowed by Card Game Paradise .\nPlayers must use card sleeves with an opague side facing the card back.\nPlayers can use full color printed proxy cards if there is any inadequacy\, the maximum number of each card t o be included in a deck is 3 unless otherwise specified. The number and ty pe of proxy cards shall be specified in the decklist submitted. Please pro vide decks to the organizer for verification and inspection of the cards\, such as checking for any markings\, half an hour before the competition a nd to be examined by the marshall before the tournament starts. The compet ition can only start after the inspection is completed without any issues\ n\n-Participants: 16\n-Deadline of application: 1/3/2025\n-Application met hod: 1. On\nParticipants are required to submit their decklists on or before 29/3/2025 23:59:59\, no changes are allowed during the tournament.\nOrganizer: Card Game Paradise\nRemind: Card Game Paradise reserves the right of final explanation on the interpretation of the rule s and regulation in this tournament\, amendment and/or deletion on the ter ms will not be noticed in advance.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

(for English please scroll down)\n日期: 30/3/2025\n時間:15:00-21:00\n   Swiss Round 1500-1800\n    Single Elimination Round 1900-2100\n地點: Card buddies (北角渣華 道108號601-02室)\n費用:港幣100元正\n賽制︰標準賽制\n限 卡表︰Standard Ban List 24.12




人數:16人\n截止:1/3/2025\n報名: 1. 於 報 名。\n各參賽者需於 29/3/2025 23:59:59 或之前提交 deck list, 比賽途中不得更改咭組內容。\n主辦:Card Game Paradise\n備 註:Card Game Paradise 保留一切比賽內容與規則詮譯的權利 ,所有細則的刪除或更改將不會事先作出通知。


Date: 30/3/2025\nTime: Swiss Round 1500-1800\, Single Elimination Ro und 1900-2100\nAddress : Card Buddies room 601-02\, Flat 6\, 108JAVA ROAD\ , NORTH POINT\, Hong Kong\nFee:HKD100. 00\nFormat:Standard\nMWL: Standar d Ban List 24.12


-Participants: 16\n-Deadline of application: 1/3/2025\n-App lication method: 1. On\nParticipants are required to s ubmit their decklists on or before 29/3/2025 23:59:59\, no changes are all owed during the tournament.


Organizer: Card Game Paradise


Remind: Card Game Paradise reserves the right of final explanation on the interpretation of the rules and regulation in this tournament\, amendment and/or deletion on the terms will not be noticed in advance.