BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4625alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250315T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250315T235900 URL: strict-championship LOCATION:92 Lower Parliament St\, Nottingham NG1 1EH\, UK SUMMARY:Midlands Regional (Notts District Championship) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nUK Regionals: Midlands (Nottingham District Championship)\nVe nue: Games Haven\nRegistration: 10am\nRound 1 start: 11am\nTicket cost: £ 20 - tickets available now!\nWhat are UK Regionals?\nThe UK Regionals are a series of community-run tournaments throughout the UK\, run by local TOs and Judges. We aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together through l ocal\, competitive events!\n\nThis year\, the UK Regionals will be split a cross two quarters\, the Q1 events will be held at:\n\nShepherd's Bush (Lo ndon) on 08/02/2025\nBathgate (Scotland) on 22/02/2025\nReading (South Eas t England) on 08/03/2025\nNottingham (The Midlands) on 15/03/2025\nSheffie ld (Northern England) on 22/03/2025\n\nIn Q2\, we hope to organise events in East Anglia\, North West England\, South West England\, and on the Sout h Coast. Details for these will be announced later in Q1.\nPrizing\nPrizin g for each regional will include the 2025 District Championship prize kit. \n\nAs well as additional prizing organised for the regionals series.\n\n\ nWinner: Bye for any 2025 Megacity Championship\, an invitation to the 202 5 Circuit Breaker Invitational Championship.\n\nTop 4: Regenesis playmat ( illustrated by Anthony Hutchings)\n\nTop 8: SDS Drone Deployment double-si ded alt art (illustrated by Júlio Rocha)\n\nTop 24: Spin Doctor alt art ( Illustrated by Oliver Morit)\n\nTO's Discretion (6 playsets): Simulchip Al t art (Illustrated by Kira L. Nguyen)\n\nParticipation: A playset (3x copi es) of a unique regionals alt art.\n\nTicket Price\nEntry for this event\, and all events in the regionals tournament series\, will be £20. Tickets are available here. If you are experiencing financial hardship\, please g et in touch with us - we'd love to help you out! The event cap is 48\, so please book ahead to make sure you're able to play!\nVenue Information &am p\; Accessibility\nGames Haven is a fully-accessible and inclusive venue. Travel info is available on the ticket page - there's lots of nearby parki ng\, and most public transport goes nearby! There's also lots of local nea rby options for food and drink.\nContact\nIf there's anything we haven't c overed\, or you'd like to find out more\, get in touch! The main contact f or Midlands Regional is @dreadmaaw (on all major social media\, including StimSlack\, or Any rules-specific questions should b e directed to @harmonbee.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



U K Regionals: Midlands (Nottingham District Championship)


Venue: Games Haven\nRegistration: 10am\n Round 1 start: 11am\nTicket cost: £20 - tickets available now!


What are UK Regionals?\nThe UK Regionals are a series of community-run tournaments throughout the UK\, run by loca l TOs and Judges. We aim to bring the UK Netrunner community together thro ugh local\, competitive events!




This year\, the UK Regionals will be split across two quarters \, the Q1 events will be held at:
