BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4621alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Indiana/Indianapolis:20250322T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Indiana/Indianapolis:20250322T235900 URL: -gnk-south-bend-in LOCATION:620 W Edison Rd\, Mishawaka\, IN 46545\, USA SUMMARY:Release Countdown: NSG-Only GNK - South Bend\, IN CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Are you excited to get Elevated? Are you pumped to be rid of al l those FFG cards? Do you want to prepare for the NSG-only meta by Deep Di ving into the current NSG card set? Then you're in luck! We are hosting a NSG-Only tournament on Saturday\, March 22nd at Warehouse Games and Comics in Mishawaka\, Indiana. We will have six rounds of Single Sided Swiss fol lowed by prize distribution. Create your decks using all of the Null Signa l cards (System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, Ashes\, Borealis\, Liberati on) except for the NSG cards currently on the Standard Ban List:\nCorp\nNB N: Reality Plus\, Drago Ivanov\, Bellona\, Gold Farmer\nJinteki: Tributary \, Engram Flush\, Dr. Keeling\, Nanisivik Grid\nWeyland: Cayambe Grid\nHB: Archived Memories\, Project Vacheron\, Luminal Transubstantiation\nNeutra l: Cyberdex Sandbox\nRunner\nShaper: Endurance\, Trick Shot\, Rezeki\, Wor ld Tree\nCriminal: Bukhgalter\nNeutral: DreamNet\n(See Standard Ban List f or further details)\nCome for the games\, stay for the sweet UK-Exclusive card prizes and 2025 Q1 GNK prizes! First place will earn a Arissana Alt a rt. First\, second\, and third place finishers will receive a full bleed a lt art Anoetic Void.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you excited to get Elevated? Are you pu mped to be rid of all those FFG cards? Do you want to prepare for the NSG- only meta by Deep Diving into the current NSG card set? Then you're in luc k! We are hosting a NSG-Only tournament on Saturday\, March 22nd at Wareho use Games and Comics in Mishawaka\, Indiana. We will have six rounds of Si ngle Sided Swiss followed by prize distribution. Create your decks using a ll of the Null Signal cards (System Gateway\, System Update 2021\, Ashes\, Borealis\, Liberation) except for the NSG cards currently on the Standard Ban List:


Corp\nNBN: Reality Plus\, Drago Ivanov\, Bello na\, Gold Farmer\nJinteki: Tributary\, Engram Flush\, Dr. Keeling\, Nanisi vik Grid\nWeyland: Cayambe Grid\nHB: Archived Memories\, Project Vacheron\ , Luminal Transubstantiation\nNeutral: Cyberdex Sandbox


Runner \nShaper: Endurance\, Trick Shot\, Rezeki\, World Tree\nCriminal: Buk hgalter\nNeutral: DreamNet\n(See Standard Ban List for further details)


Come for the games\, stay for the sweet UK-Exclusive card prizes and 2025 Q1 GNK prizes! First place will earn a Arissana Alt art. First\, sec ond\, and third place finishers will receive a full bleed alt art Anoetic Void.